War has never been closer. Well researched and intelligently presented. You may not agree with everything Moon says, but we think he’s in the ballpark. MH https://www.youtube.com/@Moon-Real Some of the footage in the presentation above may look familiar. Here’s Killing Joke with a prophetic punk anthem from 1981. “The food […]

“When honest people say what’s true … they become powerful…. That’s the iron-law of the universe, the truth prevails.” — Tucker Carlson From Global Research, Mike Whitney, 5/5/23 Can we stop pretending that Tucker Carlson was fired because of the Dominion lawsuit? That’s a bunch of baloney. Carlson was fired because he […]

All of the globalist policies over the last three years are driving toward one thing, mass depopulation. Yes, they want to kill us. Until you understand that, you will never understand what’s going on. You will never make sense of it. Leo Hohmann – leohohmann.com April 21, 2023 I know […]

Musk’s epic interview with an ill-prepared BBC interviewer analyzed by Dr. John Campbell. If you haven’t seen the interview, it’s a “must watch”. Mr Musk interview Dr. John Campbell 2.75M subscribers Elon Musk accuses BBC of covering up vaccine side effects https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/… Full interview https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/world-u… Mr. Musk: Does the BBC […]

Pendulum indeed! There’s no labelling the perpetrator of this atrocity as “Far Right”. From a New Zealand perspective, the timing appears strangely coincident to the rabid behaviour of trans protestors at the recent Posie Parker incident. Regular readers will note that we at Uncensored predicted this year would see a […]
