There has always been recreational drug use, and always will be, whether legal or not. And as there’s always going to be those who abuse recreational drugs, the social cost will always outweigh the financial gains. The real question is, who should get the profit? By Martin Harris Drug use […]
SJWs, Feminese, Race and Sex Baiters, shrieking disengaged, intellectualized, moralized, and ill-informed in general; grovelling onto MSM talkfests, are not entertaining, not informing, nor representative of even any minority constituent voice. Attempting to elevate irrelevancies, diversions, and stupidities to the front line of talking points, and manufacturing false narratives, does […]
No, not aliens! Something very disturbing nevertheless. David Icke focuses on human microchipping and 5G: David Icke Published on Nov 16, 2018 SEE ALSO: Alarm over talks to implant UK employees with microchips
“When you have hundreds of millions of people who assert that Ebola is killing people, you’re looking at faith. Blind faith in authorities who don’t deserve it.” by Jon Rappoport November 15, 2018 “I saw people die of HIV.” No. You saw people die. Doctors said they had HIV. “I […]
For decades, Contactees and Channelers have claimed to be emissaries of extraterrestrial intelligences, usually promoting an ostensibly peaceful message. Some claim to be our gods, others to be a representative of a higher power. Often they seem to be trying to save us from ourselves. If these entities really exist, […]
What’s the Elite fascination with Saturn all about? Why is Saturn connected to Satan? Is it all just some esoteric mumbo-jumbo, or should we be concerned about something? How does all this tie in with current events? What are we being prepared for? by Martin Harris Before reading further, I […]
Although Tolkein’s words were written in a fictional setting, he based his words upon real experience. Row upon row of white crosses. Young men sent to their deaths. One hundred years ago, young men facing each other across the corpse strewn no-mans land between trenches, put down their guns and […]
This is a very dark moment in American history. On November 6th, the American people gave the keys to the U.S. House of Representatives to the Democrats, and that means that the crazies will soon be unleashed on Capitol Hill. November 7, 2018 | Michael Snyder | They won’t be […]
War, what is it good for? Lining Bankers pockets! An oldie but a goodie: Every human being should see this documentary at least once, and we’ve given you options of how you’d like it: YouTube… Bitchute Link Here Vimeo Link Here: Or the full text on PDF: […]
…this is what we will face if Democrats win By wmw_admin on November 2, 2018 JD Heyes — Natural News Nov 1, 2018 The Democrat Party in the age of POTUS Obama and POTUS Trump has gone completely rogue and should no longer be considered a viable American political entity. […]