One thing you have to understand about Mr. Zucker. What he does, he does for show. For ratings. If he could get away with claiming Trump met with Putin on the dark side of the moon to concoct a way to beat Hillary Clinton, he would run with it. […]
Trump. Love him or hate him, agree with him or not, it’s my opinion that he’s essentially doing what he said he would right from the start. But was does that really mean? by Martin Harris The famous Border wall is now at last brought into the spotlight, the US […]
Jair Bolsonaro: get accustomed to this guy’s face. He may be around for a long time. Far-right candidate Bolsonaro elected as Brazil’s president HELP ENLIGHTEN YOUR FELLOWS. BE SURE TO PASS THIS ON. SURVIVAL DEPENDS ON IT. By Miguel Andrade, Brazil’s shift to the right bodes ill for […]
“It may very well not have been Trump…but it was America, There are no political distinctions. Trump now represents America.” by G Squared As The Irish do to England, it needs to also be remembered that when the Southern Nations were screaming ‘Yanqui Go Home’ there was a major problem with […]
Who ever thought a US President would speak against Saudi Arabia like this? See my opinion beneath this article! “They had a very bad original concept. It was carried out poorly and the cover-up was one of the worst in the history of cover-ups,” Trump declared in the Oval Office. […]
Sometimes things are the opposite of what they appear to be! Like the situation in this interview, for instance… by Martin Harris 23/10/18 While researching yesterday, my attention was taken by this remarkable interview with Church of Satan founder Anton LaVey: My initial reaction to this interview by host […]
The chuffed lemmings, having been sold out, yet again. They were conned by Turnbull in the most shameful way. Now. they were conned again by a Turnbull Moore acolyte, connected to The Usual Suspects. And no one asked the right questions. BEYOND PATHETIC. They did Turnbull’s bidding. by G Squared, […]
In the latest dramatic turn in the NZ National Party leak scandal, whistleblower Jamie Lee-Ross has been pushed too far. His alleged “mental fragility” came to light back on October 2 and Simon Bridges stated his “self imposed” leave had nothing to do with the developing Expenses Leak investigation: […]
A correspondent Emailed me today and asked for an opinion on these space mirrors that are rather romantically being referred to by the MSM as “moons”. He wanted to know if I thought that the whole idea was a clandestine cooperation with the US. Here’s my response: As with most […]
While the fact remains that the United States has long had and maintained such allies—staunchly defending them from international rebuke and shielding them from prosecution—Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) says the alleged murder and brutal dismemberment of journalist Jamal Khashoggi by his own Saudi government and ongoing war crimes in Yemen […]