As my Inbox bulges with messages from various sources proclaiming financial Armageddon looming and what I should do with my money/shares/investments (all 10 cents worth of it…) I thought it a good time for some balance and perspective. Looks like the worst is over (for now) however the situation will […]
You say want a revolution? Rappoport has a plan…! by Jon Rappoport October 3, 2018 Every significant breakthrough in human history has been enabled through imagination. It’s the leap. It’s the vision unfettered by imposed restrictions. It’s the future as yet unrealized, glimpsed in the mind. Given that this is […]
We signed up for the One Belt One Road Initiative; Here’s our One Road (and no doubt the first of many); NZ’s first Chinese-owned road could be in the pipeline A Chinese construction company has offered to build a long-planned four-lane toll road north of Auckland. Auckland Business Chamber’s […]
Like UFOs, the theoretical Planet X, Nibiru, Nemesis, or whatever one wishes to call it, re-emerges into the Mainstream news every now and then. This time the volume seems to have been cranked up somewhat, with the likes of CNN, USA Today etc making an unusual amount of noise about […]
Could this report be true? Read the article and documentation: It’s credible! Martin’s Note: When I first read this report, I did a double-take, the backtracked and re-read it several times. Please use discernment and note use of personal opinions and speculation (however credible) by the author. And remember “if […]
One of the most volatile issues both religious and political is the site of The Dome Of the Rock; currently occupied by a Mosque, former site of the Second Temple of Judaism, prophesied site of a Third Temple. The Temple Institute has for many years been attempting to breed a […]
The NYT has making waves in a barrage of articles about Rosenstein and his alleged “wear a wire” remarks almost to the point where it becomes a deafening roar. But as this discerning opinion/analysis piece from Vox elaborates, the result may be to play the situation right into Trumps’s hands: […]
In my opinion, one of Rappoport’s best blogs. Imagination and knowledge are humanity’s most powerful tools. Please read this if you read nothing else today! Martin H I once had a geneticist tell me, “You know, we’re going to discover the genes for promiscuity, for anti-social behavior, for compassion, for […]
“With no jail time for executives and half a trillion in post-crisis profits, the big banks have made out like bandits during the post-crash period.” September 11, 2018 at 10:16 pm Written by Jake Johnson (CD) — The 2008 financial meltdown inflicted devastating financial and psychological damage upon millions of […]
Jon Rappoport bravely addresses a vital and controversial topic that should be of concern to all parents. What sort of world our children live in if the “Trans Gender Agenda” proceeds unchecked, unquestioned and unchallenged? “Gender dysphoria or gender identity disorder (GID) is the dysphoria (distress) a person experiences as […]