Banks that settle scandals out of court continue in their wicked ways. Instead, they should be hauled before a judge so justice is seen to be done, says economist Mathijs Bouman. But Mr Hamers, how do you explain the fact that your own computer system was programmed deliberately to limit […]
Harsh and uncalled for, or justified criticism?Controversial perspective on the passing Of John McCain from Caitlin Johnstone via Paul Craig Roberts: “Our strategy should be not only to confront empire, but to lay siege to it. To deprive it of oxygen. To shame it. To mock it. With our art, […]
The Wizard is China of course. While the MSM shouts from the rooftops about Russian meddlers, China quietly influences world politics beneath the radar! This was the situation a year ago regarding Turnbull’s standing with China: “…The prime minister, who has promised tougher laws against “foreign interference” and tighter restrictions […]
CNBC: “Democrats view socialism more positively than capitalism, according to a new Gallup poll…” August 16, 2018 | Jon Rappoport | No More Fake News To give you an idea of the deception inherent in socialism, here is a quote from none other than Andrew Carnegie, once one of the […] Icke at his finest. No holds barred, straight up front truth! David Icke Published on Aug 3, 2018
How do we define freedom? Quite a media stir this week in NZ over the visit of Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux. Raises the question of how we actually define “liberty” or “freedom” (American audiences, feel free to applaud on cue!). First the local council refuses this allegedly “Far Right […]
A superb and satisfying interview. Respect to Eamonn for treating David with respect. A very rare thing to see and hear. talkRADIO Published on Jul 26, 2018 Subscribe 16K David Icke joined Eamonn Holmes and Saira Khan to take listeners calls, talk about Donald Trump and explain why he believes […]
SOUNDS LIKE SCIENCE FICTION, YET CHILLINGLY PLAUSIBLE! These wildfires are getting more extreme every year. Predictably “climate change” is blamed. There are many factors both human-made and natural that probably combine to play a part. But one of the wilder, yet plausible possibilities is the deliberate involvement of Directed Energy […]
Let’s dissect the story behind the headlines: Wake up and smell the bull! Reading the following story from the Washington Post, I thought it to be an ideal candidate for Uncensored’s magnifying glass. Here’s some excerpts and my comments. Martin U.S. spy agencies: North Korea is working on new missiles […]