Listen to the tantrums from the Elites! Trump shows that he’s made of the “right stuff” by terminating one of their money-spinning, “endless” wars. Here’s RT’s take on the situation: RTMon, 07 Oct 2019 12:33 UTC Give the man his Nobel peace prize already. Heck, if O’bomber got it… It’s […]

Is This How GOP Will Answer Pelosi’s Pre-Planned, Lawfare-Assisted Impeachment Plan? Authored by ‘sundance’ via, Back in December 2018 CTH noted the significant House rule changes constructed by Nancy Pelosi for the 116th congress seemed specifically geared toward impeachment. {Go Deep} With the House going into a scheduled calendar […]

Synchronicity at work or a co-ordinated attack by the Globalist NWO? As Trump faces impeachment in the US, Bojo faces a shutdown legality attack as the left throws everything in it’s path to thwart Brexit. MH ProductiehuisEU UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has launched an extraordinary assault on Remainer MPs […]
