After causing a meltdown in British tabloids over the “hallucinating effect” it might cause, Russia’s Filin visual optical interference device, fitted to some Navy ships, has been captured in action by the Russian defense channel. Russia Today – March 11, 2019 After causing a meltdown in British tabloids over the […]
Another report of China investing in large scale construction projects. A surprising number of them involve undersea transit systems. Of course, Chinese investment ultimately means Chinese ownership. Which means the NWO empire is expanding at a rapid pace. Here’s RT’s story on the tunnel project: RTSat, 09 Mar 2019 17:08 […]
Mueller and his crew of rabid Dem dysfunctionals are packing their crap, clearing offices and moving out. Game over. After some two years, over $100 million WASTED (his financial reports are amateur accounting deceptions, as you would expect from such a circus; NOTHING has been found tying Trump to any […]
For those not in the know, Anne Marie Brady, the author of important works on NZ’s relationship with China, has been the victim of apparent threats and sabotage which the government seems rather reticent to address. The Canterbury University professor has been the subject of international calls for protection following home […]
There’s a reason Winston Peters has been a mainstay of NZ politics for so long: A good old Kiwi bloke who calls a spade a spade, as his straight-talk over former NZ soldier turned ISIS Jihadi, Mark Williams, indicates. Here’s the NZ Herald wih more: Foreign Affairs Minister Winston Peters […]
Russia has, like Japan, had a serious declining birth rate issue for a while now; to the point where they are a ‘vanishing” country. I regard this move by Putin as a necessary “crisis” measure to save his nation, which will indeed otherwise become a land occupied almost entirely by […]
It’s no secret that Hillary Clinton is a panderer of epic proportions. And though she claims she won’t be running for President this year, the fact that she’s heading to southern States and flipping her normal accent to have a more Southern tone suggests she’s still thinking about, because if […]
We shouldn’t be at all surprised. The royal media darlings of the moment jumping on board the “gender fluid” bandwagon, as the Daily Mail Online elaborates: Erica Tempesta – Daily Mail Online March 1, 2019 Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have yet to confirm the sex of their baby but […]
In this analysis, John Pilger looks back over the Chavez years in Venezuela, including his own travels with Hugo Chavez, and the current US and European campaign to overthrow Nicolas Maduro in a ‘coup by media’ and to return Latin America to the 19th and 20th centuries. John Pilgerjohnpilger.comThu, 21 […]
Mike Pompeo, the former boss of the world’s most prolific terror organization, the CIA, climbed up on his high State Department horse Saturday and lectured us on the crimes of the “sick tyrant” Nicolás Maduro. By Kurt Nimmo This little tweeted tirade was intended for the ignorant masses in America […]