Is this why India has become the new “ground zero” for COVID media hype? by Martin Harris 8/5/21 It started a few weeks back as a local (NZ) thing: A sudden spike in positive COVID cases in Managed Isolation, all reportedly form India, resulting in a controversial border closure between […]
South West Asia
The oppression of Christians across the globe continues. By ProTrumpNews StaffPublished April 3, 2021 According to eyewitnesses, The Chinese Communist party is imprisoning Christians in “brainwashing” centers forcing them to renounce their faith. The eyewitnesses also say that they faced routine beatings and indoctrination. Breitbart News reported: Eyewitnesses told Radio Free […]
Almost a week after Google disabled Press TV’s YouTube account, the internet giant has yet to explain why it blocked the TV channel’s access to the video sharing site. Read the rest here
A first-hand account of non-violent protests in Bil’in, a West Bank village affected by the Israeli West Bank barrier Nominated for Best Documentary Feature in the 85th Academy Awards. [youtube]u2daSJzT0MY[/youtube]
A complaint about broadcaster Vincent Browne referring to Israel as the “cancer of foreign affairs” on his late night TV3 show was upheld by the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland’s complaints committee. During the programme, Mr Browne said Israel “polarises the Islamic community of the world against the rest of the […]
Miko Peled, the General’s Son. Seattle. Oct. 1, 2012 [youtube]TOaxAckFCuQ[/youtube] Much to consider here: 1. Why a “two state” solution is a fantasy that will never happen 2. Why one state – with democracy for all – is the solution just as Switzerland and Belgium managed to pull disparate nations […]
[ … and I know it’s not an election issue .., … … but … ] More than 40,000 people have been killed in 20 months of conflict between Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s forces and those [ foreign funded forces ] fighting for his overthrow, a violence monitoring group said […]
“Why Is the Arab world so easily offended?” asks the headline atop an article by Fouad Ajami, which the Washington Post published online last Friday to give perspective to the recent anti-American violence in Muslim capitals. “Why Is the Arab world so easily offended?” . Find out why here