At least 100 midwives have been fired. I wonder why? Is it because they can see something that the Government is hiding from the public? Gary via The BFD Report here: I do not know about Israel, but here in New Zealand, miscarriages and stillbirths are not recorded as […]
We’ve been aware of this subject and the alleged evidence of micro scale anomalies in the vaccines some time now, but it has taken this superb article from NZ Doctors Speaking Out With Science to bring the topic to the Uncensored News site. Keep an open mind. MH February 8, […]
Seems like the whole world is catching on. And the mainstream media misrepresentation is a familiar theme. MH Overview: The Israeli media have chosen to disempower the movement by not accurately reporting that it’s about the demand for basic freedoms being restored to all Israeli citizens. Instead, they have chosen […]
The protestors in Wellington are by and large not asking for any paradigm shifting concessions. Samuel HillFrom The Platform: OPINION: New Zealand’s parliament grounds remain occupied by protestors opposed to the on-going vaccine mandates. Thousands of supporters from around the country have now visited the site in Wellington, with many […]
Protest now on it’s seventh day as of 14 Feb. and still going strong
The plot to let the lunatics run the asylum by Martin Harris The Useful Idiots have been manipulated into a position where they have shot themselves in the foot. Useful Idiots are still idiots regardless of who puts them to use. Now their usefulness is almost at an end and […]
David Seymour opened his fat mouth and pronounced that the first hint of rain would send all the Anti-Mandate protestors home. To the contrary, we “Seymour” protestors arriving daily! Honourable mention and runner-up award goes to Trevor “The Duck” Mallard who thought turning on the sprinklers would wash away his […]
On 6 January 2021 thousands poured into Washington DC to protest (peacefully) to protest the conduct of the 2020 presidential election. However at some point an over-enthusiastic protester, or agent provocateur, led a few people into the Capitol building where they filed past the complacent security guards, took some selfies, […]
I can think of no more appropriate image than this ocean of umbrellas to symbolise the persistence and spirit of the protestors on Parliament grounds at Wellington. Political Morons could not deter these courageous freedom fighters. Mallard turned on the sprinklers and they cavorted gleefully in them. Seymour predicted the […]
NZDSOS is a group of health professionals appalled at the censorship and coercion in response to the Covid-19 outbreak. Together with your help we are building inclusive health structures, undertaking legal challenges, supporting doctors facing censure, following the science – and doing some of our own – while being under constant […]