Shocking truth. This FOI release came out a MONTH ago. No mention in the Mainstream Media. READ AND SHARE! Deaths from COVID-19 with no other underlying causes Release date:16 December 2021 FOI Ref: ​FOI/2021/3240 You asked ​​Please can you advise on deaths purely from covid with no other underlying causes. […]

A study coming out of Britain showed an alarming increase in the risk for myocarditis, which is inflammation in the heart, after every mRNA jab, particularly in males under 40. Seth HancockThe Liberty LoftMon, 10 Jan 2022 The study was published last month, and it analyzed data from over 42 million […]

The voice of propaganda-free facts and common sense, Dr. John Campbell, gives us some straight-up and optimistic data. It is clear that Omicron is bringing the pandemic to a close. But will our governments acknowledge the truth? (Note: Ardern’s government has NOT included the booster in the vaccine pass, so […]

Stick your vaccines: Here’s nature’s remedy! Martin Oregon State UniversitySciTechDailyTue, 11 Jan 2022 Hemp compounds identified by Oregon State University research via a chemical screening technique invented at OSU show the ability to prevent the virus that causes COVID-19 from entering human cells. Findings of the study led by Richard […]

Educate yourself on the risks vs benefits… the rollout for NZ children begins on 17 January 2022: From Pam Vernon @ EWR Articles on topic: There are just two root studies that ‘prove’ the safety of the CV VX for children – and both are conducted by Pfizer WARNING TO […]

Many parents throughout New Zealand are grappling with uncertainty surrounding the government’s approval of the Pfizer vaccine rollout for 5-to-11-year-olds and the ongoing 12-plus rollout. For those of you who are thinking of writing to your school to seek clarity on whether the school intends to hold vaccine clinics and […]
