MUST READ: While addressing Australians’ specifically, this warning is for ALL nations: Big Brother is Watching You..and probably reading this…! Thanks to “J” for bringing this to our attention: Illustration: Sturt Krygsman. By Fergus Hanson 11:00PM October 22, 2018 Many of us are unaware a transformational digital initiative […]
The chuffed lemmings, having been sold out, yet again. They were conned by Turnbull in the most shameful way. Now. they were conned again by a Turnbull Moore acolyte, connected to The Usual Suspects. And no one asked the right questions. BEYOND PATHETIC. They did Turnbull’s bidding. by G Squared, […]
This just in on my MSN newsfeed: “A magnitude-5.6 earthquake has hit the West Australian town of Manjimup, about 300 kilometres south-west of Perth, with tremors felt as far away as Perth and Albany. The earthquake happened about 1:00pm (WST). There were no reports of damage. The Bureau of Meteorology […]
The Wizard is China of course. While the MSM shouts from the rooftops about Russian meddlers, China quietly influences world politics beneath the radar! This was the situation a year ago regarding Turnbull’s standing with China: “…The prime minister, who has promised tougher laws against “foreign interference” and tighter restrictions […]
“If the state forced a child to be vaccinated and the child had a significant medical reaction and potentially died as a result of that, that would be a huge burden that the state would have put on those parents.” – Former New Zealand Prime Minister John Key by Emma […]
A masterpiece of satire! Please check out Juice Media’s channel and give them a Thumb Up and subscribe. thejuicemedia Published on Aug 1, 2018 Subscribe 125K The Australien Government has made an ad about the Police State it’s creating, and it’s surprisingly honest and informative.
Here comes the start of Social Credit: Facial Recognition and demerit points. Facial recognition technology to begin to used for online Government services Users will need to upload a photo to access MyGov and Centrelink benefits Some have questioned whether technology could be open to fraud and misuse Centrelink will […]
After the absurd theatre of May, Rudd, Johnson, and Williamson, pretending that Putin sprayed the unwanted, low end, traded-pawn Skripal, and his daughter, with some ‘Military Grade’ nonsense, May announced to the world that England would not be going to The Russian World Cup. The goose who LOST the last […]
Reagan had the same catch phrase as Trump. The variation of ‘Make America Great Again’. As Whitlam in Australia had a similar slogan to Manzies’; ‘It’s Time’. There are also similarities between Trump and Whitlam in their management styles, and desires to improve the state of their nations. After the […]
THE PILLAR OF FIRE “We left the lookout house at ten o’clock in a half cooked condition because of the heat from Pele’s furnaces, and wrapping up in blankets (for the night was cold) returned to the hotel. After we got out in the dark we had another fine spectacle. […]