Veteran protestors and activists will already know this, but for those who still question the validity of Civil Disobedience. This is why thousands marched maskless and un-distanced through the anti-Covid-mandate protests. Excellent presentation! Academy of Ideas 1.34M subscribers Access 45+ membership videos (more added each month) ► **Join via […]

Just returned from an estimated15 thousand (yes 15 thousand) strong march from Cranmer Square. The Freedoms and Rights Coalition are following up on their March 1 ultimatum. More on that soon. But first, this: NZ High Court: Police and Armed Forces Mandate ILLEGAL The Court agreed that the mandate imposed […]

Air Traffic Controllers at Jacksonville, Florida airport WALKED-OUT of their jobs last night over the COVID vaccine mandate.  Six-hundred-fifty airline flights had to be canceled because of the walk-out. Hal Turner – The Hal Turner Radio Show Oct 9, 2021 In addition to Jacksonville, Florida, there are also reports that […]

This is what courage looks like. (If this was about Climate Change this student would be hailed as the next Greta Thunberg). RTSun, 10 Oct 2021 A 16-year-old high school girl was arrested and her entire school locked down, all over her refusal to wear a face mask. Her arrest caused […]
