Resistance movements in Gaza are responding to a wave of popular anger over Israeli provocations in Jerusalem and at al-Aqsa. As I write, the building I live in here in Gaza is shaking continuously. Above us, Israeli F-16 warplanes pummel us with a seemingly endless barrage of bombs. Ahmed Abu […]

The Israeli military has conducted dozens of deadly strikes across Gaza, after Hamas launched a barrage of rockets, itself accusing Israeli authorities of violently suppressing Palestinian worshipers on a major night of Ramadan. RT 11 May, 2021 00:27 / Updated 1 day ago Get short URL The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) […]

Unclassified documents of a secret Israeli meeting held 51 years ago reveal plans of a massive transfer of Palestinians to Paraguay — a program that prompted a PLO terror attack. Noga TarnopolskyDaily Beast 13/8/20 Unclassified minutes of a secret Israeli cabinet meeting held 51 years ago reveal that Israel planned […]
