Veteran protestors and activists will already know this, but for those who still question the validity of Civil Disobedience. This is why thousands marched maskless and un-distanced through the anti-Covid-mandate protests. Excellent presentation! Academy of Ideas 1.34M subscribers Access 45+ membership videos (more added each month) ► **Join via […]

As far back as 2015 the NZDF has run exercises based on quelling ‘civil unrest’. They practiced with troops from the US, UK, Canada, Australia, the Pacific and elsewhere. Bit familiar isn’t it? From Pam Vernon EWR The practice runs, like Event 201. The appearance of the military in the streets […]

Automated license plate readers on rural & city roads to find folk who avoid the law. Eighty four locations across the country that would need to be staffed, requiring 1260 soldiers & police. The new face of military law, sitting there in plain sight, awaiting the right moment to activate. by […]

In 2010,The Rockefeller Foundation published a report which contained a portrayal of four hypothetical “near future” geopolitical scenarios. One of these scenarios, titled The Lock Step Narrative, sounds spine-chillingly familiar. by Martin Harris 21/4/2020 I will provide both a link to the report and screenshots of the relevant portions. The […]
