Martian ruins and thorium in the soil? Subject well covered in the last issue of Uncensored magazine, summed up here by The Angry Astronaut. MH The Angry Astronaut Feb 11, 2025 Recently, the media has announced the discovery of a so-called “Square on Mars.” The image, captured by the Mars […]
Robert Schoch first rose to prominence by being the first mainstream academic to verify that rainwater erosion affected the Giza Sphinx enclosure, putting the structure’s dating into question. Here Schoch continues to rock the boat in a fascinating discussion regarding ancient cataclysms and the role of the sun in vanished […]
Mars: Scientists have found reservoirs of water at depths of 6 to 12 miles (10 to 20 km) in the Martian crust. These reservoirs could contain enough water to fill oceans across the planet. Martin Harris 15/11/24 In other words, everyone from science fiction writers (HG Wells, Ray Bradbury…) and early […]
And they’re talking like it’s never been done before… And yet… Viking 1 & 2 | Missions – NASA’s Mars Exploration Program We did this in 1976. Did we not? And we might have found signs of life on Mars … Did the Viking landers find life on Mars in […]
Climate alarmism hits Mars ! In this instance NASA admits “nothing to see here”, and yet back on Earth, they’re playing the UN catastrophe tune. Here’s Paul Seaburn’s article from Mysterious Universe. MH Paul Seaburn February 5, 2020 For those hoping to one day escape climate change on Earth before […]
And this comes from the lofty Scientific American, no less, despite the conspiratorial tone! The big question for me is: Why did NASA cover up the evidence? MH Gilbert V. LevinScientific AmericanThu, 10 Oct 2019 16:43 UTC We humans can now peer back into the virtual origin of our universe. […]
Must read! An fantastic article and a worthy theory that ties together many loose ends on the Mars-Antarctica connection. Well worth exploring this avenue further. Hats off to the author! MH Pierre LescaudronSott.netSat, 14 Sep 2019 18:31 UTC While finalizing the writing of the article titled “Of Flash Frozen Mammoths […]
What if NASA secretly had the capability to send a rocket and crew to Mars and back, in 100 days or-so, even before it was publicly proclaiming to have successfully put men on the Moon? Well, actually they did. So what happened to this technology? And why is it being […]
Mars. Always an intriguing place, looks more and more like the “dying world” of HG Wells and Percival Lowell (remember the alleged “canals”?). Now, as RT reports, traces of underground lakes and linked waterways have been found. RTFri, 01 Mar 2019 10:40 UTC Scientists have discovered the first geological evidence […]
“Could this “plume” be the reason cameras on both Mars rovers mysteriously shut down from sending data last month?..” This should be major news, but as Tyler reports, there already hints of cover up underway. secureteam10 Published on Oct 20, 2018 Subscribed 1.9M Become a Patron & support our strange […]