Now it’s conspiracy — they’ve made that something that should not even be entertained for a minute, that powerful people might get together and have a plan. Doesn’t happen. You’re a kook! You’re a conspiracy buff!” — George Carlin “I don’t believe in conspiracy theories, except the ones that are true […]

And why is Google rushing to change and debunk the definition while deleting the relevant interviews? Watch this… The Hill1.45M subscribers Kim Iversen explains what “mass formation psychosis” is. YOUTUBE CENSORS AND REMOVES JOE ROGAN INTERVIEWS WITH ROBERT MALONE AND PETER MCCULOUGH: Joe Rogan interview with Dr Robert Malone taken […]

Am I saying we are programmable?  Hell yea!  Think about it…  We program our children as to how we desire they should perform by telling them over and over and over again what we want them to do. by Joyce Bowen What is malware? Malware is a catch-all term […]

How the State Convinces Us to Give Up Our Freedoms Alexander McRae theBFD The true pandemic we are facing is one of psychosis. The danger to our minds outweighs the sniffles. We have let the State take us down a dangerous road. We are watching the construction of totalitarianism in […]

Conspiracy theorists in tinfoil hats trying to keep the aliens from beaming messages into their heads? Evil scientists using spinning pinwheels and special potions to brainwash their hapless victims into doing their bidding? Sci-fi stories about remote-controlled people? James CorbettCorbett ReportSat, 08 May 2021 When you think of “mind control,” […]
