Worth reading for the info on natural immunity near the end of the article MH Source: https://www.westernjournal.com/ Author: Randy DeSoto The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC ) is being called out for not sharing the vast quantities of data it had been gathering during the COVID-19 pandemic. […]

There are a number of “fact checks” out there addressing conclusions and statements on Social Media relating to this screenshot. But nevertheless the screenshot IS real and not doctored or Photoshopped. We include some links so you can do your own research and form your own conclusions. The only advice […]

Some superb research and honest stats on the likelihood of Covid re-infection provides food for thought on the Natural antibodies vs Vaccinated protection subject. Thanks to BJ for this item. Every morning after breakfast, while ensconced upon The Throne, I read today’s news. I alternate between reading “The Week” (a […]

NZ Director General of Health Ashley Bloomfield recently stated that COVID vaccine immunity is stronger and longer lasting than natural immunity (ie those who have been exposed to SARS CoV-2 and recovered). Is this true? Lets find out! Martin Harris 16/10/21  …mRNA vaccines also possess some inherent limitations. While side […]

Dr. Anthony Fauci and the rest of President Biden’s COVID advisors have been proven wrong about “the science” of COVID vaccines yet again. After telling Americans that vaccines offer better protection than natural infection, a new study out of Israel suggests the opposite is true: natural infection offers a much […]
