Ladies and gentlemen, it’s a pleasure to be in Auckland for the 28th New Zealand First Party Conference. It is our intention and mission to remain the most successful political party outside of National and Labour in the last three decades. So many scribes have tried, and continue to, write […]
New Zealand
Christchurch got a head start after the 2011 earthquake “demolition job”. Now Wellington is close behind and may soon eclipse Christchurch as leading 2030 Agenda “Sustainable City”. Here’s the article from Pam Vernon: IMPLEMENTING AGENDA 21/30: WELLINGTON COUNCILLORS VOTE TO INVESTIGATE CAR-FREE CENTRAL CITY BY 2025 If you have had […]
This is what Evil looks like. Vile, monstrous, and legal in New Zealand. Is this what we have sunk to? MH From Jo Blogs, Red Sky In The Morning It is illegal in New Zealand for a dairy famer to induce a calf who wouldn’t survive being born too early. […]
“New” research claims that Polynesians may have discovered Antarctica prior to the Europeans, and that knowledge of such has been neglected, either through ignorance or willful censorship, according to a Gizmodo article. Is this true? Well, I happen to be in a position to shed some light on the matter! […]
THIS STORY NEEDS TO BE MAKING HEAD-LINE NEWS AROUND THE WORLD ..this is beyond David and Goliath and beyond Lord of the Rings…this is REALITY being battled for at this very moment. Here is part of a blog post I am working on this very hour. It’s not yet finished […]
In their report Towards a Better Democracy, the 1986 Labour Government’s Royal Commission into the Electoral System, not only recommended changing our voting system to MMP, but they raised a number of other important constitutional matters. by Dr. Muriel Newman One that is particularly relevant to our present situation – […]
Hi Folks I am fund raising for my next big story which hope to bring public attention on national scale to the above issues. Ben Vidgen The Dyslexic detective So any one wanting considering chucking me some Koha who wants to know what they are supporting, well I have just […]
For a decade now, ever since the dreadful earthquake sequence that devastated my city and continues to impact the community, I’ve delved into the topic of earthquake triggering and prediction. So the news of NZ trialing a ‘quake “prediction” phone-app gave a certain sense of vindication. Martin Harris 28/5/21 While […]
The Ministry of Health has no information about why our hospital Emergency Departments are suddenly so full – and whether this may be related to the experimental jab rollout….. Its almost like they don’t care, isn’t it … or maybe they already know and don’t want to admit it. Pam […]
Rocket Lab is now recognised as having being weaponised.First told it was there to take us to moon and protect us from climate change. by Ben Vidgen However major share holder include military industrial giant Lockheed Martin. While US owned Media Works TV3 and Australian owned Fair Fax Paper make […]