By Martin Harris “Everything is proceeding as foreseen…”
New Zealand
EVERY PERSON in both New Zealand and Australia, indeed the world, should watch this very recent mind-boggling interview by Tony Gosling in the UK, former BBC journalist, with Dr Jacob Cohen, author of Murder at Pike River Mine. Almost unbelievable! Regards. J
And this, one week before Obama’s visit? What is going on? This entourage consisted solely of international bankers from all over the world it’s reported. From PAM VERNON (Rangitikei Enviromental Health Watch)
Not really a Jones fan myself, but considering the attention surrounding Big Bad Barry’s NZ visit, this is definitely worth factoring in:
This is taking secrecy to an extreme level. Something to hide, Mr. Obama?
By Martin Harris The Great Unmapped When my family and I emigrated to New Zealand in 1982, my Great Uncle Les, a proud Kiwi and walking repository of local knowledge, acted as our self appointed guide to our new home. He was a tall man, reminiscent of Tolkein’s Treebeard. Despite […]
Spanning Almost 4000km wide, Kiwis should be prepared for any eventually if or when this monster low pressure system hits.
By Martin Harris The early hours of September 4, 2011 are still vivid in my memory. I half woke from sleep, wondering who the hell would be driving a big noisy diesel truck through the suburbs at this ungodly hour? I dozed off, briefly. The “Big noisy truck” apparently collided […]
A Newshub investigation has found Christchurch earthquake victims trying to settle insurance claims with the Government were spied on by private investigators, in operations paid for by the taxpayer.