Shame on you Whitcoulls! We can read Mein Kampf (yup it’s still available from Whitcoulls) But not “12 Rules For Life”? The following article from Stuff calls Jordan Peterson a “controversial Right wing author”. He is no such thing. He is a clinical psychologist who has ridden a wave of […]
Please be sure to read my important note below this article and understand our intent with this item. Thanks. Political leaders and public figures were falling over themselves this weekend to condemn the mosque attacks in New Zealand, while dozens of Christians were slaughtered by Muslims in Nigeria to the […]
A time for everything. A time for shock. A time for grief, a time to seek answers. by Martin Harris 19/3/19 A few days ago this author wrote a personal reactionary piece on the mosque shootings with a follow-up naming the victims whose lives were cut short. The author made […]
Can you imagine a city in the United States secretly creating a Chinese-style public surveillance network that can identify everyone? Can you imagine that same city secretly creating a Chinese-style public watchlisting network? Well imagine no more because it has already happened. By MassPrivateI When I wrote about “covert facial […]
You’ll never see AOC the same way again: A fantastic piece of investigative journalism, please watch and share and give your views and thumbs up to Mr. Reagan. This deserves to go viral! Mr Reagan Published on Mar 8, 2019 NOTE: I switched up some of the dates on these […]
Woe unto ye O Christchurch! There is an epidemic afoot: A rampant outbreak of The Measles. A total of 28, yes, 28 souls have the Measles. A couple of days back there were 28 confirmed cases and today there are still 28 cases, despite TVNZ’s claim today that the figure […]
This is a “Must watch” presentation! Edge Of Wonder is back on track (I’m not a Wilcock/Disclosure fan) and this presentation is very promising; hopefully subsequent episodes live up to the intro. Socialism/Communism is at the bottom of the NWO rabbit hole. Agenda 2030, Transgender agenda, transhumanism, late term abortion […]
Another report of China investing in large scale construction projects. A surprising number of them involve undersea transit systems. Of course, Chinese investment ultimately means Chinese ownership. Which means the NWO empire is expanding at a rapid pace. Here’s RT’s story on the tunnel project: RTSat, 09 Mar 2019 17:08 […]
Russia has, like Japan, had a serious declining birth rate issue for a while now; to the point where they are a ‘vanishing” country. I regard this move by Putin as a necessary “crisis” measure to save his nation, which will indeed otherwise become a land occupied almost entirely by […]
It’s no secret that Hillary Clinton is a panderer of epic proportions. And though she claims she won’t be running for President this year, the fact that she’s heading to southern States and flipping her normal accent to have a more Southern tone suggests she’s still thinking about, because if […]