And it was only a movie? From Andrew Cheetham at On May 10, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) unveiled the Urban Reconnaissance through Supervised Autonomy (URSA) program, which addresses the issues of reconnaissance, surveillance, and target acquisition within urban environments. The primary objective of the URSA program is […]
police state
Here’s a report from the Otago daily Times, and it’s a story that’s rapidly spreading around the MSM. Shockingly, the secret surveillance was only exposed after innocent shoppers were mistakenly apprehended. So what does that say about the reliability of this technology? Even worse, the Office Of Privacy allegedly knew […]
“Storm clouds are gathering…Europe is moving closer to mandatory vaccination.”! by Jon Rappoport May 8, 2018 Storm clouds are gathering… First the solution—leave the European Union. Do it soon. Don’t knuckle under. Europe is moving closer to mandatory vaccination. The drive is spearheaded by a collaboration between the European Union […]
Corporate implant Senator Richard Pan is back again with new legislation that could undermine the freedoms of Californians by limiting access to Alternative News sources. Please take a moment (literally) to voice your support for 1325 and your opposition to SB1424. The letter has been written for you… Your local […]
Second story of 28.4.2018 has some interesting material. I doubt if anyone has named the four intel ops. as I have. I doubt if anyone has identified the SVR Fusion GPS Employee who wrote The Steele Dossier as I have. Scanning is interesting except it loses context and substance to […]
I’m sure most Uncensored readers are aware of the much reported dangers of 5G. Now is your chance to take positive action! Received today from Katherine Smith via the Dear Friends, Please excuse the fact that this is a group email and that I am interrupting your weekend […]
An anti-waste activist who copied thousands of “worthless” Windows XP and 7 restore disks has been jailed for 15 months. 26/04/2018 Dan Satherley Eric Lundgren, a 33-year-old Californian, planned to sell the discs to computer repair shops for 25c each, but Microsoft – which makes the Windows software – […]
In light of the recent Cambridge Analytica data scandal, Facebook is quickly becoming one of the world’s least trusted companies. Phillip Schneider, Staff Writer Waking Times A survey from the Ponemon Institute, a research group focused on data privacy and information security, shows that trust in Facebook has fallen 66 […]
Are Electric Vehicles really the perfect combination of freedom and environmental conscience on four wheels? by Martin Harris Several times now, I have mentioned in blogs the subject of the future of personal transportation and the erosion of personal freedom and mobility, mostly in the context of Light Rail and […]
“…allows players to fight against the People’s Liberation Army.” Hmm…wonder why they banned it…?