As featured in the latest magazine issue! Deep in the vast swaths of the uninhabitable, unforgiving stretches of Mother Russia lies some fascinating ancient monuments. Unexplainable by modern means, these colossal structures defy modern standardized testing and put a huge wrench in the orthodoxy of classical Russian lore. Massive Megalithic […]
The World is currently experiencing its second Cold War, and entry into The Age of Biological Warfare. At the same time The US is experiencing a contained Civil War. The premises for which are not as generally understood. Such events never are. by G Squared 28/7/20 It’s Socialism as variously defined […]
From an Intel Colleague: In The Argentinian side of Patagonia, China has constructed a massive Intel and Military facility greater than N.W. Cape and Pine Gap combined; and much more. Nothing to do with The Moon or Mars. My associate visited and maintained The Argentine FIA – National Directorate of […]
A jaw-dropping example of Ice Age architecture has been unearthed on Russia’s forest steppe: a huge, circular structure built with the bones of at least 60 woolly mammoths. Brian HandwerkSmithsonianMon, 16 Mar 2020 12:00 UTC But exactly why hunter-gatherers enduring the frigid realities of life 25,000 years ago would construct […]
One of their funniest yet. They get Bernie to agree to wear gold chains and throw money around in a rap video with girls in bikinis. Tyler Durden – via Russia Insider Feb 15, 2020 Vovan and Lexus add America’s favorite socialist to their extraordinary roster of suckers. These include, […]
American Medical care failed, Russia came to the rescue. Sounds like Peterson is finally off the meds and on the mend. MH SputnikSat, 08 Feb 2020 06:53 UTC © CC BY 2.0 / Gage SkidmoreThe Canadian professor’s health sparked concerns just month ago, when he had to check into rehab […]
Dirty “Joe The Molester” Biden is now lying about the economics of Coronavirus. Opinion by G Squared The fellow who publicly touches up young girls and sucks his wife’s fingers. Just ‘Hands on Joe’ according to The FemLoon Pitt of ‘The View’. Did The Spanish Flu (started in a French […]
President Vladimir Putin has introduced changes which could dramatically affect Russia’s international image and respond to decades-long criticism of the country’s political path from the global mainstream media, say international observers discussing the president’s historic decision. SputnikWed, 15 Jan 2020 21:53 UTC Addressing lawmakers, ministers and other high-ranking officials on […]
The Bankrupt US needed to settle its accounts to avoid derivative domestic civil unrests that would destroy the continuum of illusions. The real cost to The US to maintain the populist delusions of a nonexistent empire based on deceptions of nonexistant economic and military prowess. by G Squared The US was […]
The big picture scenario as seen by G Squared. The first strike fixed. The second against The Iraqi Contingent did not occur. Israel was immediately blocked from flying over Iraq. The USAF was blocked over Syria by Russian control of the guidance systems after its War Crimes of Ghouta and […]