I’ll just follow Trump’s lead on this one, and let Kanye do the talking! https://youtu.be/rrf5ntxRZQs Space Force News Published on Oct 11, 2018 I’ll only run for president after Trump – EXPLOSIVE Press Conference: Kanye West, Jim Brown meet with President Donald Trump at White House Press Briefing. From the […]
Fascinating blog revises the “official” story, and it has as much to do with America as it does with Germany or Britain! SOURCE: ThreeWorldWars The True Cause of World War 1 History books record that World War I started when the nations went to war to avenge the assassination […]
Has America’s perception of Socialism changed since the McCarthy era? The answer may surprise you: Published: October 6, 2018 Source: fast company The last time the polling company Gallup asked Americans about their understanding of the word “socialism” was in 1949. At that point, around one-third couldn’t define it, […]
The trade war between the US and China is turning into a hot war with every passing day. From Tyler Durden, Zerohedge: Published: October 4, 2018 As we reported on Monday, Chinese ships came to actively confronting the USS Decatur while the US ship was carrying out yet another in […]
Like UFOs, the theoretical Planet X, Nibiru, Nemesis, or whatever one wishes to call it, re-emerges into the Mainstream news every now and then. This time the volume seems to have been cranked up somewhat, with the likes of CNN, USA Today etc making an unusual amount of noise about […]
WASHINGTON (Reuters)-The U.S. Justice Department late on Sunday filed suit after California Governor Jerry Brown signed legislation to restore open internet protections known as net neutrality in the state after the Trump administration repealed the rules in December 2017. By Davis Shepardson This marked the latest clash between the Trump […]
The NYT has making waves in a barrage of articles about Rosenstein and his alleged “wear a wire” remarks almost to the point where it becomes a deafening roar. But as this discerning opinion/analysis piece from Vox elaborates, the result may be to play the situation right into Trumps’s hands: […]
“With no jail time for executives and half a trillion in post-crisis profits, the big banks have made out like bandits during the post-crash period.” September 11, 2018 at 10:16 pm Written by Jake Johnson (CD) — The 2008 financial meltdown inflicted devastating financial and psychological damage upon millions of […]
FDA wants to turn CBD oil Into a drug that will cost $32,500 as they ban all other CBD oils If we don’t change a key FDA policy, that’s how much you may be forced to pay if you want to purchase CBD oil. Action Alert! For years, consumers have […]
Trump Says Reports on China Hacking Clinton’s Classified Emails ‘Very Big Story’ The Daily Caller has reported citing a former intelligence official and a government staff official, both of whom were briefed on findings of the Intelligence Community Inspector General, that Chinese-owned company in the Washington, DC area was able […]