This just popped up on my MSN propaganda feed: no doubt a clearer (or murkier?) picture will emerge shortly. Up to six people have been killed in New York after a truck was driven into people using a busy bike path in New York, reports say. Police have confirmed there […]
How Public Ownership Could Revive Community Banks Crushing regulations are driving small banks to sell out to the megabanks, a consolidation process that appears to be intentional. Publicly owned banks can help avoid that trend and keep credit flowing in local economies. At his confirmation hearing in January 2017, Treasury […]
If you’ve never heard the story of John Titor, here’s the basics: Now you have the basics the “John Titor” story, get ready for one of the weirdest yet most intriguing cases to ever endure on the internet. And it is so strangely plausible……!! These three videos are a […]
The Sun and staff writers News Corp Australia Network October 25, 201710:34pm A PHOTO appearing to show former US president George HW Bush with his hand on actress Heather Lind’s rear end has surfaced, prompting his office to release a statement claiming the gesture that was meant to be “good-natured”. […]
By Matt Agorist An extensive survey of hundreds of adults across the United States has just revealed that the thing most Americans fear—more than anything else—is their own government. In fact, according to the survey, no other fear even comes close to the percentage of Americans who worry about their […]
by Tyler Durden Oct 23, 2017 6:39 AM The unexpected decision by President Trump to amend an emergency Sept 11 order signed by George W Bush, allowing the Air Force to recall up to 1,000 retired air force pilots to address what the Pentagon has decribed as “an acute shortage […]
What’s going on here? Is this tip of the iceberg? I’d say so. These Hollywood Svengalis no doubt thought they were untouchable, but now the very women these guys held power over, have awakened to their own collective power. But is this also a part of something bigger going on […]
The latest issue of Playboy features a transgender playmate, a first in the magazine’s 64-year history. Ines Rau poses fully nude in the November/December 2017 issue, which is also the first to hit newsstands following the death of the magazine’s founder, Hugh Hefner. The 26-year-old model has been shot […]
As If California didn’t have enough fire and brimstone to deal with right now! “An oil refinery has exploded in California. A tower of flames sent pillars of smoke into the skies above the building. Firefighters managed to put out the massive blaze in around half-an-hour, reports the Los Angeles […]
NSA Whistleblower William Binney joins the program to discuss how the NSA cares more about ensuring the money keeps flowing than to stop terror attacks and bad guys. He also discusses the movie about his time at the NSA, “A Good American”. The film is Oliver Stone’s latest work on […]