This reeks of a Chinese-style Social Credit system in the making! By MassPrivateI Today, I give you a frightening story about free speech censorship and watchlists just in time for the countdown to Halloween. A recent article in The Tennessean reveals how the Williamson County School District (WCS) is monitoring […]

Is This How GOP Will Answer Pelosi’s Pre-Planned, Lawfare-Assisted Impeachment Plan? Authored by ‘sundance’ via, Back in December 2018 CTH noted the significant House rule changes constructed by Nancy Pelosi for the 116th congress seemed specifically geared toward impeachment. {Go Deep} With the House going into a scheduled calendar […]

If you hear an unfounded statement often enough, you might just start believing that it’s true. Matthew WarrenBPS Research DigestThu, 12 Sep 2019 10:29 UTC This phenomenon, known as the “illusory truth effect”, is exploited by politicians and advertisers — and if you think you are immune to it, you’re […]

Read the following article and “new” theory carefully. Read between the lines. But first here’s my thoughts: This subject is something I’ve encountered before with regards to many ancient civilisations. Climate change (usually cooling) is linked to a downfall. This has nothing to do with human induced climate change and […]
