UGANDA OIL: US Africa Command, A Tool To Recolonize The African Continent The USA Africa Command, which America calls ‘Africom’, is a military structure of the Defence Department of America. Africom was formed in 2007 during President George W Bush’s second term of office. That was two months after America […]

  Let’s face it. Most fictional sports created for the screen or page tend to come across as contrived, silly and, well, fictional. “Rollerball” is not one of them. The futuristic game of “Rollerball” has achieved a rare state among fictional creations. In the 1975 movie starring James Caan, the […]

Tomorrow – the borders of Israel could well be surrounded by hundreds of thousands of NONVIOLENT Arab Springers on their way to UN OCCUPY Jerusalem [youtube]BLM3CswkfQw[/youtube] and unknown hundreds of thousands of Internet activists will disseminate the facts on the ground as they happen. [youtube]ke5emJ7l2lQ[/youtube] The official site is: gm2j.com […]
