This is global, not just the US. So this video applies to YOU, Kiwis and Aussies. MH. Comply or Die: How America Will Enforce TOTAL Wokeness | Glenn TV | Ep 98 WATCH more Glenn Beck: Have you noticed an insane number of companies “going woke” lately? There’s a […]
Huxley would be taking his life into his hands if he openly called for eugenics, so he called the movement instead environmentalism. Genocide is a Keystone of Globalism COVID VACCINES ARE WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION & COULD WIPE OUT THE HUMAN RACE (DR VERNON COLEMAN) Former Pfizer VP says experimental Covid-19 vaccines […]
Following the Chauvin trial opinion from Paul Craig Roberts, here’s the other side of the story via Further. Yes, balance and objectivity, shock, horror! MH Totally Unnecessary by Abby Zimet, Further columnist In more damning testimony on the fifth day of Derek Chauvin’s trial for murdering George Floyd, Minneapolis’ most […]
The United States now has attributes of the 20th century totalitarian regimes that it opposed. The New York governor is implementing the hated Soviet internal passport that prevents freedom of movement, and the illegitimate Biden regime is working with private firms to create a nationwide internal passport. Paul Craig Roberts […]
Protecting public and environmental health even with a lack of evidence of damage from new products and processes is the foundation for the Precautionary Principle. So what happens when the scientific evidence on the dangers of wireless radiation is proven, but public health and safety agencies ignore it? Environmental Health […]
Dear Prime Minister, Attorney-General, Director-General of Health and Chris Sue Grey RE PFIZER VACCINE “COMIRNATY” RE BREACHES OF MEDICINES ACT, MISLEADING AND DECEPTIVE CLAIMS and OTHER MATTERS I represent a large number of New Zealanders who are extremely concerned about apparent legal breaches and misleading and deceptive representations in the […]
Sex trafficking charges were added Monday to the indictment against financier Jeffrey Epstein’s ex-girlfriend as prosecutors alleged that she groomed a 14-year-old girl to recruit other young females in the early 2000s to provide “sexualized massages” to Epstein in return for cash. Larry NeumeisterWashington TimesMon, 29 Mar 2021 The charges contained […]
A Virginia school is under fire after video footage showed a teacher berating a student for refusing to acknowledge racial differences. The teacher’s Critical Race Theory sermon is not the only woke scandal to hit the district. RTTue, 30 Mar 2021 Located on the outskirts of Washington, DC, the Loudoun […]
Ecce nova facio omnia -Rev 21:5 by Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop (excerpts by original is five times this length The pseudo-pandemic gives us the picture … of a … disturbing criminal conspiracy hatched by misguided minds… It must be recognized that the apparent illogicality of what we see happening – the […]
The Chinese are winning the war against The West without firing a single bullet. Asymmetrical warfare techniques clearly work. MH On Friday, Chinese forces committed their largest ever incursion into Taiwanese airspace, and in the Middle East, Iran rebel militias are attacking Saudi oil fields and building up missile stockpiles. […]