It appears this guy has been watched and targeted by the Brits for some time: Mainly because of his exposure of the use of DU/Nuke weapons in Iraq by coalition forces, which has poisoned the environment for decades to come and resulted in horrific birth defects. The story appeared in […]
How safe is vaccination? “To hear it from proponents of the vaccine industry, vaccines are based on rock-solid science that proves them to be completely safe and widely effective.” from: (click link for full story) To hear it from proponents of the vaccine industry, vaccines are based on […]
This just in on my MSN newsfeed: “A magnitude-5.6 earthquake has hit the West Australian town of Manjimup, about 300 kilometres south-west of Perth, with tremors felt as far away as Perth and Albany. The earthquake happened about 1:00pm (WST). There were no reports of damage. The Bureau of Meteorology […]
“With no jail time for executives and half a trillion in post-crisis profits, the big banks have made out like bandits during the post-crash period.” September 11, 2018 at 10:16 pm Written by Jake Johnson (CD) — The 2008 financial meltdown inflicted devastating financial and psychological damage upon millions of […]
It was fun poling holes in the recent story about a tiny hole poked in the International Space Station which an astronaut held his finger over until Russian cosmonauts patched it with a modern version of chewing gum and duct tape. Funny stuff … until it was revealed that the […]
FDA wants to turn CBD oil Into a drug that will cost $32,500 as they ban all other CBD oils If we don’t change a key FDA policy, that’s how much you may be forced to pay if you want to purchase CBD oil. Action Alert! For years, consumers have […]
I was first alerted to this strange event in Sunspot, NM by Tyler at Secureteam10 YT channel. It’snow making waves in the MSM. Here’s the story via Gizmodo and Secureteam’s vid: This Is How It Starts: FBI Suspiciously Locks Down, Evacuates Solar Observatory in New Mexico Jennings Brown This […]
Hurricane modification is real. Is it just a coincidence or is there a connection between electrical weather modification and this storm’s track? You be the judge. By Jim Lee • Subscribe on YouTube Thursday, Sep 13, 2018 Track Hurricane Florence and see the NEXRAD Radars, Nuclear Power Plants, and River […]
Includes storm tracker links and world Wind Map interactive realtime. Stay safe Floridians! Hurricane Florence Live Updates: More Evacuations as ‘Monster’ Storm Looms Here are the latest developments: • As of 5 p.m. Tuesday, the center of the storm was in the Atlantic Ocean about 785 miles from Cape Fear, […]
Jon Rappoport bravely addresses a vital and controversial topic that should be of concern to all parents. What sort of world our children live in if the “Trans Gender Agenda” proceeds unchecked, unquestioned and unchallenged? “Gender dysphoria or gender identity disorder (GID) is the dysphoria (distress) a person experiences as […]