SOUNDS LIKE SCIENCE FICTION, YET CHILLINGLY PLAUSIBLE! These wildfires are getting more extreme every year. Predictably “climate change” is blamed. There are many factors both human-made and natural that probably combine to play a part. But one of the wilder, yet plausible possibilities is the deliberate involvement of Directed Energy […]
Radioactive uranium has leaked through the floor at the Westinghouse fuel factory on Bluff Road, contaminating the soil in an area of Richland County with a nearly 35-year history of groundwater pollution from the plant. By Sammy Fretwell July 24, 2018 05:58 PM The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission says […]
A while back we posted a video of James Carrey delivering a “message from The Illuminati”. This has proven to be a heavily viewed item, so I figured it’s high time we caught up on Carrey’s progress. Three videos showing a profound and inspiring change in Carrey: At first it […]
Some great reading, and of course check out the lunar images and let us know what you think! Check our online store or see your local magazine retailer.
Let’s dissect the story behind the headlines: Wake up and smell the bull! Reading the following story from the Washington Post, I thought it to be an ideal candidate for Uncensored’s magnifying glass. Here’s some excerpts and my comments. Martin U.S. spy agencies: North Korea is working on new missiles […]
Body camera footage shows a police officer shooting a man in the back and then lying to concerned neighbors and claiming no was hurt. By Rachel Blevins – July 28, 2018 the Free Thought Project Chicago, IL – Friends and family are heartbroken and demanding answers after a young […]
Sometimes I think the Alt Media is almost as bad as the MSM! Taking statements out of context and blowing them up out of all proportion in an attempt to validate a cherished belief. Whatever happened to impartial objectivity? Take this Buzz Aldrin subject for instance. Now I guess Aldrin […]
Amazing revelations in Petra! The latest from Alternative Archeology researcher and tour guide Brien Foerster. Brien Foerster Published on Jul 22, 2018 Subscribe 180K Join us as we explore Petra and the Dead Sea in April 2019:…
There are now hundreds of supposed “facts” which prove Russia influenced the 2016 US election. I thought I’d go back to a few basics… by Jon Rappoport July 26, 2018 (To join our email list, click here.) “The CIA says” is never a great way to start a sentence. But […]
Data collection is rampant, and not always in ways one is aware of. All part of the globalist “total control” plan. Not just Social Media and your supermarket shopping, but now your medical data; your genetic data even, is up for sale to Big Pharma, as David Icke elaborates: […]