The United States now has attributes of the 20th century totalitarian regimes that it opposed. The New York governor is implementing the hated Soviet internal passport that prevents freedom of movement, and the illegitimate Biden regime is working with private firms to create a nationwide internal passport. Paul Craig Roberts […]

With “Adverse Reactions” figures coming through thick and fast, we present some updates from various Alternative News Sources. 3,964 DEAD 162,610 Injuries: European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 “Vaccines” by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News The European database of suspected drug Reaction reports, EudraVigilance, is now tracking reports of injuries […]

Scotland’s highly controversial Hate Crime and Public Order Bill has passed with 82 votes in favor, 32 against, and four abstained. Didi RankovicReclaim the NetFri, 12 Mar 2021  The bill, that has been hotly contested by freedom of speech advocates, builds on the already existing legislation criminalizing what’s termed as “stirring up” hatred against […]

Any attempts to question mainstream explanations about controversial events, which have been handed down from official government sources, are immediately attacked by most society members? March 9, 2021 NoFakeNews If you were to suggest other gunmen were involved in the murder of President John F. Kennedy, the people listening to […]

We all know politicians engage in propaganda. But most don’t admit it. Posted on March 7, 2021By Dr Muriel Newman Not so Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern. Desperate to avoid allegations of mismanagement over Auckland’s bungled lockdowns, she began lashing out, claiming individuals have been knowingly spreading the virus – including a young man who’d […]

The White House has continued its trend of shielding Joe Biden from scrutiny after suddenly cutting the feed of a virtual event after the president said he was “happy to take questions” from Democratic lawmakers. Mar 4, 2021 Sky News Australia 1.31M subscribers Uncensored News 2030 Agenda Deep State Agenda […]

“Offensive”? “Harmful”? Judge for yourself: Hidden Agenda Uncensored News Uncensored Media Martin comments: And banned on Seuss’s birthday no less. Surely planned as a childish kick in the guts to the memory of a genius of literature. This cancelling of treasured classics is vile and repugnant. Portrayal of diverse cultures […]
