The Duke, Prince Andrew was spotted peering around the inside door of the billionaire’s Manhattan home on December 6, 2010 Source: Nworeport.Me The footage of the Duke was taken less than an hour after Epstein left the house with a young blonde woman. Epstein’s alleged ‘sex slave’ Virginia Roberts claims […]
Regular readers will know that this author gives Socialists a hard time, and with good reason. But believe it or not, I do have Left Wing friends and enjoy a constructive and lively debate with them. And there is one particular celebrity of the Socialist movement whom I greatly enjoy […]
“Mass shooters have no particular ideology…Nor are mass shooters a white problem or a black problem” Says Paul Craig Roberts. And he presents the data to back up that assertion. And yet across the Western World, there is an agenda to make us think otherwise. MH By Paul Craig Roberts […]
Through disturbing symbolism, the video “In My Bed” by Disney star Sabrina Carpenter is a blatant celebration of MKULTRA and the sick culture of the occult elite By Vigilant Citizen on August 17, 2019 Sabrina Carpenter is one of the many child stars who grew inside the Disney system who […]
Beef? I have a beef with the Veganist agenda: Dumbing down the population under the guise of environmentalism. Meat and animal fats being necessary for good brain development (unless you want to consume truckloads of algae and flax seed). So it’s welcome to see any news item that thwarts the […]
Transhumanism is creeping up on us. What was dystopian science fiction only a couple of decades ago is now reality, but where will it lead? Here’s Pam Vernon with more: August 17, 2019 Pam Vernon Warming you to the idea of compulsory of course. First we heard of these it […]
David Icke has been telling us about the Elite Pedos for decades now. Labelled as a lunatic by the mainstream, but he was of course right all along. David Icke Published on Aug 15, 2019 Mega Group, Maxwells and Mossad: The Spy Story at the Heart of the Jeffrey […]
From Project Veritas: Please visit their excellent site and support their cause. Which should also be YOUR cause if you value your online freedom! MH VIDEO: “the police began looking for me…” Google Sent Threatening Letter to Google Insider Zachary Vorhies: “they knew what I had done and that letter […]
Idiocy plummets to new depths. Is there any end to this madness? Well, not if we remain complacent and allow it to happen. Terrible things are going on in this world and we’re so dumbed down we’re wringing hands over TV ads allegedly promoting “harmful” stereotypes. And the second point: […]
Focus on the Clinton body count list and “Omen-like” bizarre death scenarios from G Squared. Makes you wonder how the media can get away with all the focus on Trump (who cut ties with Epstein years ago and only flew on his jet once in the mid 90’s) Here’s G […]