A sinister story and message from Icke, who, as usual, isn’t afraid to confront oppression face to face!
Asked at an impromptu news conference Sunday night if he would seek the presidency again in 2030, when he would be eligible again, the 65-year-old Putin snapped back: “It’s ridiculous. Do you think I will sit here until I turn 100?” Well. one never knows I guess. The Western […]
Kiwi Chris Liddell gets a top spot with Trump – but what does it mean?
This is taking secrecy to an extreme level. Something to hide, Mr. Obama?
By Martin Harris The Great Unmapped When my family and I emigrated to New Zealand in 1982, my Great Uncle Les, a proud Kiwi and walking repository of local knowledge, acted as our self appointed guide to our new home. He was a tall man, reminiscent of Tolkein’s Treebeard. Despite […]
Peter Drew, author of the recent very popular Christchurch Earthquake article, tackles the ethics of the Internet:
A Mainstream News roundup of events shaping the emerging “reboot” of the Cold War, pus some analyses of who might fare best if war goes “hot”.
Well, this is a blow to mainstream archaeology….!
Trump Seems to be still in “The Apprentice” mode! But what potential outcome could result from this latest dismissal? WW3?
John Vibes, The Free Thought Project True, Organic and Free California, KY — Former District Court Judge and school board member Tim Nolan plead guilty to 21 counts of human trafficking on Friday. In court it was revealed that the judge threatened young women and girls under the age of […]