The facts might surprise you. Or send shivers down your spine. by Martin Harris 24/11/20 In the course of sifting out interesting articles and information for Uncensored readers, the author subscribes to a multitude of newsfeeds both alternative and mainstream. One of those sources, Newsroom, has recently published a number […]
Let’s examine the statements. Nothing is ever quite what it seems. by Martin Harris 23/11/2020 Controversial lawyer and author Sydney Powell has been the most high profile and outspoken member of Trump’s “team” in the fight to prove election fraud. Over the past few days her statements have been littered […]
Absolutely shocking! Proof of the kind of propaganda a government will use against its own citizens. A letter from the Nova Scotia government sent out to residents to warn about a pack of wolves on the loose in the province was forged by Canadian military personnel as part of a […]
A sign that the CCP meddled in NZs election process? Very, very suspicious “accident”, eh? MH Thanks to Pam at EWR NOVEMBER 22, 2020 Mr Xi was the chairman of the New Zealand branch of the Federation for a Democratic China, Mr Wang belonged to the Independent Chinese PEN Centre […]
A “Must watch” Presentation in a refreshingly reserved and gentlemanly fashion, despite the sensational and disturbing revelations. Front Page If Congress rejects the conclusion of the election, under the Twelfth Amendment of the United States Constitution, the House of Representatives would hold a “contingent election” to select the president. The […]
Leftists responded to a Twitter thread asking “how do you deprogram 75 million people?” by suggesting Trump supporters should be interned in “re-education camps” and that all conservative talk radio should be banned. Paul Joseph WatsonZero HedgeThu, 19 Nov 2020 “No seriously…how *do* you deprogram 75 million people? Where do […]
After initially claiming a success in their soft approach to COVID-19, Sweden is now falling in line as the “second wave” arrives. Martin Harris 21/11/20 In July, this was the word from Swedish authorities. The epidemic is now being slowed down, in a way that I think few of us […]
While TVNZ focused on Giuliani’s hair dye fail, we’ll show you the important stuff the MSM wanted to divert you from: BlazeTV CNN reporter just asked Rudy Giuliani an insane question and Rudy shut her down immediately. WATCH Rudy Giuliani drop BOMBS about voter fraud:… ► Subscribe to BlazeTV […]
On the night: Trump was 295 ECV and Biden variously at some 170. The latter depending on which fake rendition you were being fed. by G Squared Suddenly: NV and AZ were declared by Fake Media, for Biden, before any votes were counted for them. The House was declared for […]
Just as Joe Biden prematurely claims victory, the vaccines all come out of hiding. Here’s meme I generated that Dune fans will get. Martin