More MSM Censorship: FB is at it again! Lucas Nolan – Breibart Jan 18, 2019 Social media giant Facebook has allegedly refused to allow the upcoming Roe v. Wade film to run advertisements on its platform under the new “issues of national importance” rule, treating the movie as if it were a […]
Corporate Corruption
A global powerful action against meat? EFA NewsMon, 14 Jan 2019 11:53 UTC A global powerful action against meat? EAT is a global, non-profit startup dedicated to transforming our global food system through sound science, impatient disruption and novel partnerships. According to the website, “the EAT-Lancet Commission on Food, Planet, […]
“If the U.S. health care system was a country, it would have the fifth largest GDP on the entire planet.” January 9, 2019 | Michael Snyder | The Economic Collapse | If the U.S. health care system was a country, it would have the fifth largest GDP on the entire […]
Impressive and informative presentation, very well done. Great perspective on China’s role. Is Trump bringing down the Deep State? #BCP#NEWS#BCPNEWS WHILE EVERYONE FOCUSES ON THE WALL, TRUMP JUST CRIPPLED THE GLOBAL BANKING CARTEL! IS THE FED NEXT?
“Give me control over a nations currency, and I care not who makes its laws” – Baron M.A. Rothschild” LONDON. An increasingly number of people are waking up to the fact that 99% of the Earth’s population is controlled by an elite 1% – but did you know that one family, […]
Water fluoridation has been around for just over 60 years and whilst the practice has become widespread, particularly in Western nations, it’s always been a controversial and often passionately argued one. Huw GriffithsNew Dawn MagazineTue, 01 Jan 2019 15:50 UTC My formative moment in the fluoride ‘debate’, one that cathartically […]
FILE: NAZI War Crimes Interagency Working Group, CIA DIrectorate of Operations Record Group 263: Gestapo Head Heinrich Mueller. By G-Squared Mueller was noted as having disappeared (OSS-CIA files) in May 1945.The deception continues. He was reported as having suicided. He was reported as having been buried. His documentation was presented, […]
It had to happen, and sooner rather than later. 11 years to go, and post-quake Christchurch is showing the way the future is likely to be if the UN and New World Order gangsters get their way: Sustainable apartment plan chosen for Crown-owned Christchurch site Homeowners could share cars and bikes […]
Representative-elect Mark Green (R) (Tennessee) (twitter and twitter news) pledges to investigate claims that the CDC is fraudulently managing the vaccine-damage data they collect. This story is a developing. by Jon Rappoport December 13, 2018 In light of this development, I am re-posting this article of mine from July 2015. […]
State Services Commissioner Peter Hughes has issued a damning report into the use of private investigators by government agencies, calling the actions of some “an affront to democracy” and laying a complaint with police in one instance. By: Lucy Bennett Political Reporter, NZ Herald State Services Commissioner Peter Hughes has […]