Wow! a mainstream news article!
Meltdown News
In my role as a talk show host, I have been approached by individuals who claim to have “insider information” about what is coming, and according to these individuals, what is coming is very bad. Most credible sources demand complete anonymity. As a result, I have found myself in a […] Last week 9 people were arrested in London and Reykjavik for their possible responsibility for Iceland’s financial collapse in 2008, a deep crisis which developed into an unprecedented public reaction that is changing the country’s direction.
This applies to all Rothschild owned and/or controlled central banks. – Ed. What would happen if the Federal Reserve was shut down permanently? That is a question that CNBC asked recently, but unfortunately most Americans don’t really think about the Fed much. Most Americans are content with believing that the Federal […] Former US President Bill Clinton information confirms John Key New Zealand Prime Minister played a large part in the Global Financial Crisis. John Key claims he was long gone from the financial quackery sector when all the international financial deregulation of 1999 or lack of regulating new high risk […]
Source: Monday, 3 October 2011, 4:45 pm Column: Emir Hodzic Occupy Wall St: New Zealander Arrested on Brooklyn Bridge Emir Hodzic October 3, 2011 As I was having my morning coffee on Saturday, ready to go out and join the Day 15 of Occupy Wall Street, the last thing […]