Biden has been in office for ten minutes and Pax Americana is over. Yep, back to the old cold war mentality with looming threat of a hot war. Nuclear war with Russia and China ‘a real possibility’, top US admiral warns ( But…isn’t China pulling Joe’s strings? As always there […]
Strange coincidence isn’t it? The US Capitol sure looks like its under martial law amid voter fraud protest. And what happens in Myanmar ? hmmm… Here’s an update straight from the Myanmar Times: Myanmar to clarify voter fraud, hold new round of elections | The Myanmar Times ( Meanwhile, with […]
I can write the following as some public domain information is pending over the next few days. There is no current civil war, for a reason. And indeed: Orange should have acted in 2017. by G Squared 1/2/21 On 9/9/1776: The United Colonies became The United States of America. British […]
The Elites and New World Order movers-and-shakers have been using Hindu terminology, imagery and symbolism with increasing frequency as well as being used prominently at CERN. What does it all mean? This article from 2017 is most enlightening. Martin From New Dawn Special Issue Vol 11 No 3 (June 2017) […]
“This is an issue that all Democrats, Republicans, independents, Libertarians should be extremely concerned about, especially because we don’t have to guess about where this goes or how this ends. What characteristics are we looking for as we are building this profile of a potential extremist, what are we talking […]
Game-Stop’s game stopped, Mandatory Mask Madness and Munching Mealworms. Let the lunacy loose! The Outer Light 78.7K subscribers 🤗 Help support my channel: ❇️ 👁 📄… 3Speak: Chat-room: 👾
China is heaping praise on New Zealand as “an example for Australia in how to deal” with foreign affairs after Trade Minister Damien O’Connor suggested our trans-Tasman neighbour practice “more diplomacy” with China. From Newshub: O’Connor’s remarks have riled some Australian politicians, such as Liberal MP Dave Sharma, who told The Sydney Morning […]
“…nsurrection Act now as a result of the assault on the… martial law if necessary upon the first hint of any… Foreign interference in the election. Trigger emergency powers… Make clear this is China/Iran… used domestic actors”. So reads the visible portion of a memo, apparently intended fo Donald Trump, […]
Welcome to Clown World… Where men are women, women are men (despite gender not existing) and adults identify as babies. The tears of a clown: Tears of laughter or sadness? RUINATION media 3.58K subscribers
“These are the good guys” says the speaker. Are these troops here at the behest of their Commander-in-Chief, or those who want him arrested? Either way its a scene few thought they would see in their lifetime, but for those awakened, it’s straight out of the New World Order script! […]