Here we go again: More warnings of financial doom from the Dark Lord Soros! by Tyler Durden Tue, 05/29/2018 – 13:57 In a speech delivered Tuesday in Paris, billionaire investor George Soros warned that the world could be on the brink of another devastating financial crisis, as debt crises reemerge […]
Political organizations registered under The Internal Revenue Code section 501 (c) (4), are not only tax exempt; they are not required to maintain any public records concerning their membership, associations, or lists of donors and financial supporters. The DNC under its former president Tom Perez has ‘trained’ and funded over […]
STOP INDUSTRIAL DAIRY EXPANSION There are already too many cows for our rivers and our climate to cope with. New Zealand urgently needs fewer cows but corporate dairy is so out of control it’s still trying to expand and convert more land into dairy farms, even in unique and fragile […]
Having junked one agreement, can the US President forge another? Dominic Green The Specator 12 May 2018 For someone so frequently denounced as a liar, Donald Trump keeps an awful lot of promises. In the 2016 election campaign, he promised that he would take the United States out […]
Some useful inks and information pertaining to the ongoing Earthquake/Volcano emergency on Hawaii’s “Big Island” As a quake survivor, I’m thinking of you all in Hawaii. Visited many years ago and it was a beautiful and friendly place. Keep calm, help your friends and neighbours, share your resources and stay […]
24 April, 2018 Hon Sir Michael Cullen, Chairman, The Tax Working Group Secretariat PO Box 3724 Wellington 6140 New Zealand Dear Hon Sir Michael Cullen, cc. All members of The Tax Working Group. ALL MP’s. Re: JOHN PHILLIPS’ SUBMISSION TO THE TAX WORKING GROUP: WHY THE FOREIGN BANKERS’ RORT […]
On the same day that the leaders of North and South Korea met and agreed to a historic peace deal, the five largest defense contractors in the U.S. lost more than $10 billion in value. By Rachel Blevins – April 29, 2018 North and South Korea reached a historic peace […]
Russian warships loaded with tanks have been spotted leaving Turkish waters headed for Syria. It comes as the world awaits Vladimir Putin’s response to airstrikes on Assad’s chemical weapons programme carried out by the US, UK and France.
“We’re not selling submarines, just the parts to build ’em” (instructions included)!
Epic article with lots of links and vital information!