If you want to get to the source of an agenda, “follow the money”. Millions of dollars to chlorinate the Christchurch water supply, and millions more to get rid of it, and in the thick of it all an innocuous sounding organization that’s anything but impartial. And the sickening part […]
Editor’s Choice
This humiliating apology to Hager shows just how badly the police screwed up Andrew Geddis The NZ Police have apologised to journalist Nicky Hager over their tactics in seeking to identify Rawshark following the publication of Dirty Politics. And it must never happen again, writes Otago law professor Andrew Geddis […]
A US kindergarten has taught its students a heartbreaking ‘lockdown’ song in case they’re the targeted by a shooter. Mother Georgy Cohen noticed the lyrics on the wall when she visited her child’s soon-to-be kindergarten in Somerville, Massachusetts. The poster reads: “Lockdown, lockdown, lock the door / shut the lights […]
With Uncensored’s current mag issue featuring controversial lunar images, this latest presentation from Tyler is right on cue. Enjoy: secureteam10 Published on Jun 6, 2018 Could it be that our moon is in fact hollow or at least riddled with hidden tunnel systems? Even a space station of sorts? What […]
SumOfUs Uploaded on May 31, 2018 Subscribe 5.7K We joined up with SumOfUs members and beekeepers to protest Bayer’s bee-killing pesticides. As a keen SumOfUs supporter I salute these guys. Saving the planet from greed, one evil corporation at a time! Martin “Nicotine attracts bees Neonicotinoids are mostly used in […]
Interesting phenomenon at a mysterious island! Denmark ANOMALY “Can’t Be Explained” secureteam10 Published on May 29, 2018 Bornholm is an interesting place: Mysterious Stone Age Labyrinth Discovered In Denmark – Was It An Ancient Sun Worship Site? ..with a Templar connection: http://blog.templarhistory.com/2010/03/the-templars-and-bornholm/ Here’s more on the mystery rumbles; https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/weird-news/706470/Mystery-booms-worldwide-expert-geologist-Bornholm-Sweeden-ground-shaking-earthquake-video
“Anyone who genuinely cares about New Zealand’s wonderful environment can not help but be horrified at the tale that is told.” “This informative and well researched book by Fiona McQueen drives a hole through the New Zealand Department of Conservation’s mantra that the deadly and indiscriminate 1080 poison is necessary […]
And it was only a movie? From Andrew Cheetham at Davidicke.com On May 10, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) unveiled the Urban Reconnaissance through Supervised Autonomy (URSA) program, which addresses the issues of reconnaissance, surveillance, and target acquisition within urban environments. The primary objective of the URSA program is […]
Excellent commentary and opinion from a renowned artist and performer (see bio and links) May 14, 2018 / Gilad Atzmon Young Palestinians protestors at the Gaza border carry signs in Hebrew: “Soldier, we are not objects, we are human beings.’ By Gilad Atzmon Zionism promised to solve the Jewish problem. […]
We couldn’t let the special day go unreported now could we? And what better way to acknowledge the Royal Wedding than with comment from David Icke? Enough from me, over to Mr. Icke: Forget the Markles – who in their right mind would want to marry into the royal family? […]