A new look at old data is giving scientists a fresh reason to view Europa, a moon of Jupiter, as a leading candidate in the search for life beyond Earth, with evidence of water plumes shooting into space. A bend in Europa’s magnetic field observed by NASA’s Galileo spacecraft during […]
Editor’s Choice
While I’m not entirely convinced this is a definitive explanation, it’s an interesting theory nevertheless. Universe Inside You Published on May 8, 2018 Mainstream historians will tell you that the Great Pyramid of Giza was a glorified tomb for the Egyptian pharaohs. The only original monument left of the original […]
Yes, as all Kiwis are aware, Hillary breezed into town to do a little scaremongering. Here comes the Mainstream story: How Russia and China could ‘hurt New Zealand’ Patrick Gower – Newshub – Tuesday, 8 May 2018 Hillary Clinton has a major warning for New Zealand – beware of […]
“Knives, Knives, Knives” says Trump. But in the USA it’s guns, guns, guns. Personally I do not believe Trump’s pro-gun argument holds water. What do you think? Martin Here’s the MSM story and a YT Video of the whole speech: By Rebecca Joseph National Online Journalist, Breaking News Global […]
On the same day that the leaders of North and South Korea met and agreed to a historic peace deal, the five largest defense contractors in the U.S. lost more than $10 billion in value. By Rachel Blevins – April 29, 2018 North and South Korea reached a historic peace […]
What could the NWO do with this tech? https://gaming.youtube.com/game/UCWZpl0LKcx13r8_R4YQmiSgang. Who’s real and who isn’t? Scary. And this is even scarier!… 3Lateral Published on Mar 22, 2018 3Lateral applied its new Meta Human Framework© that merges volumetric capture, reconstruction and compression technology to bring to life breakthrough digital replica of […]
An anti-waste activist who copied thousands of “worthless” Windows XP and 7 restore disks has been jailed for 15 months. 26/04/2018 Dan Satherley Eric Lundgren, a 33-year-old Californian, planned to sell the discs to computer repair shops for 25c each, but Microsoft – which makes the Windows software – […]
It’s not a secret Nazi flying saucer but it’s nearly as mysterious and possibly more sinister. Paul Seaburn Mysterious Universe April 21, 2018 Researchers have found U-3523 – the legendary high-tech German submarine rumored to have been used to sneak Nazi leaders and Nazi gold out of the country as […]
Banned religious texts sound like they could have been authored by David Icke! Matrix, Archons and Shape-Shifting Jesus, Oh My! Jesus’ Secret Revelations? Copy of Forbidden Teachings Found in Egypt By Brandon Specktor The oldest known copy of a text claiming to be Jesus’ teachings to his brother James […]
Has Alexa, Amazon’s AI home assistant, inadvertently blown the whistle on state authorities? Chemtrails “left by aircraft are actually chemical or biological agents deliberately sprayed at high altitudes for a purpose undisclosed to the general public by government officials.” Quote Alexa AI Amazon, having acknowledged that it was a program […]