A brilliant, yet sobering analysis of the historical crossroads we’re on now. – Ed. Mark Twain once talked about history not necessarily repeating, but he noted that history sure does rhyme. Richard Nixon was unable to survive one direct hit upon his administration, namely, the Watergate scandal. Conversely, Obama is […]
Editor’s Choice
The Congressional Research Service (CRS) is part of the Library of Congress, and it provides “policy and legal analysis to committees and Members of both the House and Senate, regardless of party affiliation.” This month the CRS issued a report that says Colorado and Washington (where cannabis is legal, according […]
As to exactly why you’re a slave ? I’ve never seen it said as simply as this : [youtube]G9IH-XKQpOI[/youtube]
Date: Saturday 18 May 2013 Time: 05:30 p.m. – 06:45 p.m. Venue: ASB THEATRE, AOTEA CENTRE More details here
Channel 4 reporter Jon Snow – with an awesome defence of Iran. Iran has not invaded anyone for 300 years The consequences of invading are unthinkable. [youtube]aTpLUSyUXcQ[/youtube]
Mars Gigapixel Panorama – Curiosity rover: Martian solar days 136-149 in The World Source
[ … and it’s in the least because the main reason it exists is to sell advertising. No – it would seem there are additional & far larger problems involved with your daily dose of you idiot-boxing yourself. ] A film on the dangers of watching television. The effects on […]