I’ve been watching the emerging data (actual data) on the Omicron variant since it emerged in SA. Everything points it being very similar to the Common Cold. I listened to NZ Health Minister Hipkins on the radio today (Where was Ardern? Hiding while Hipkins gets to dish out the bad […]

There are a number of “fact checks” out there addressing conclusions and statements on Social Media relating to this screenshot. But nevertheless the screenshot IS real and not doctored or Photoshopped. We include some links so you can do your own research and form your own conclusions. The only advice […]

Some noteworthy excerpts from the HRC document on NZ’s COVID-19 response initiatives. The discerning reader will note a number of issues on which the NZ Government should be brought to account, especially regarding the use and misuse of Vaccine Certificates and the “Traffic Light Scheme”. All emphasis and highlighting is […]

A change of venue with spectacular results. Thousands of protestors bring the busiest roads in Christchurch to a halt, and the motorists cheered us on! While a hoped-for march through the inside of the mall was prevented by security and police, we complied peacefully. It made little difference. The most […]

Confirming Saturday’s Christchurch event. Check FB for own local actions. More info on Wellington March to the Beehive 16th, December to follow. Again check FARC FB page for primary info. Lets see those huge crowds again: Last week’s attendance was breathtaking both in numbers and diversity! See for yourself: Remember […]

This level of protest is unheard of in New Zealand history. Our children’s children will learn about the Freedoms and Rights Marches of 2021-2022 and how thousands of citizens protested the unpopular mandates imposed by the Ardern-led Labour government, attempting to introduce a technocratic, separatist, New World Order under the […]

Copy, share, use. Let whatever local business or facility that signs up to this technocratic separatism and discrimination know what you think. Give them your own Traffic Light. Red for STOP. Found on Twitter while researching other things, so kudos to whoever created this masterpiece. If it was you, let […]
