Strange coincidence isn’t it? The US Capitol sure looks like its under martial law amid voter fraud protest. And what happens in Myanmar ? hmmm… Here’s an update straight from the Myanmar Times: Myanmar to clarify voter fraud, hold new round of elections | The Myanmar Times ( Meanwhile, with […]
Editor’s Comment
On 1 April 2019 an article by YourNZ caused a stir: Barbecue ban would stretch out LPG resources Barbecues may be completely banned this year. For many years now open fire (wood or charcoal) barbecues have effectively been banned in most places – you need to get a fire permit to […]
Why does Shiva dance as the WHO and the CCP meet in Geneva? Connections Forming! This image was pre-COVID I believe. This image appeared in a piece by Jo of Red Sky In The Morning blog, reposted here: SHIVA, GENEVA, AND WORLD HEALTH » Uncensored Publications Limited At the time, […]
China is heaping praise on New Zealand as “an example for Australia in how to deal” with foreign affairs after Trade Minister Damien O’Connor suggested our trans-Tasman neighbour practice “more diplomacy” with China. From Newshub: O’Connor’s remarks have riled some Australian politicians, such as Liberal MP Dave Sharma, who told The Sydney Morning […]
…with a new political party: The Patriot Party. Thanks to source “Richard” for this image. Naturally, most MSM reports are negative, playing on “Far Right” labelling: ‘It’s Got A Great Ring To It’: Conservative Personalities Warm To Trump ‘Patriot Party’ With QAnon Roots (
Another catchy phrase emerges to promote the developing Technocracy. Where did it come from, what does it mean? by Martin Harris 24/1/2021 So far we’ve had a variety of buzzwords and catchphrases coming fromworld leaders and local council authorities that most readers here will be familiar with: Common Purpose, Resiliency, […]
What will Comrade Joe bring to the table during his Presidency? Opinion/Satire by Martin Harris 21/1/21 The Inauguration ceremony: It was like watching something going on the North Korean capital rather than the USA. Real popular guy, having to hide behind 200,000 guards and barbwire barriers. What a President, huh? […]
Despite the public being invited to listen in on the hearing according to court documentation, the judge apparently thought otherwise! See for yourself: “ The hearing Tuesday was briefly interrupted when the judge was told that audio of the proceeding was being aired online. “Whoever is doing it, you are […]
“Our aim is to then commence vaccination of the general public in the second half of the year. This will be dependent on Medsafe approving the vaccines as being safe and effective for use in New Zealand. Safety will always be our priority. We’re all set to move swiftly, but […]
It occurred to me today how reclusive Prime Minister Ardern has been lately… And then on talkback radio (which I sometimes listen to while driving, which means I’m getting old) the same comment was made. She’s all but vanished from sight. So it’s not just me then? Naturally, this initiated […]