Whenever the US Government releases UFO related files, I’m immediately suspicious. When it’s gift-wrapped in a COVID bill, the alarms are ringing. Opinion by Martin Harris This information has been floating around the net for a few days now. To summarize: Though you may not have seen it mentioned too […]
Editor’s Comment
Does this look suspicious? Last night at 12:36am, 23 December 2020, residents in East Christchurch were awakened by a sharp quake (situated close to this author’s home and very strong). Checking the Christchurch Quake Map today revealed an ongoing seismic swarm throughout the day south of Chatham Rise in the […]
I’m so happy to be part of the Monolith Club! MH A mysterious monolith has appeared at Christchurch Adventure Park and it’s unclear where it came from. An image of the object was posted to the park’s Facebook page on Sunday. “Does anyone know what this is or where it has come […]
Here you go folks. See for yourself: Will all our “brave” leaders be vaccinated “live” with empty syringes too? They could at least have used saline solution to give some authenticity! The hospital issued a statement on Wednesday afternoon, saying the nurse in question was inoculated “again” to “remove any doubt raised that […]
COVID 19 and the Climate “emergency” Agenda: How they are instigating the New World Order AKA The Great Reset. Three videos that somehow slipped through the YT censorship machine! Chairman of the FMF Rule of Law Board of Advisors and a former judge of the Supreme Court of South Africa, […]
…not a person at all!
Could this be a sign? I’m not usually inclined to take astronomical events as portents or signs of earthly events to come, but the timing of this conjunction is intriguing nonetheless. The current closeness of the two giant planets is obvious even now, low in the evening sky. Will there […]
Must read: The puzzle piece that connects Biden to the New World Order Agenda From Vicky Davis, The Technocratic Tyranny Note: The following is the text of an email prepared and sent by Debra Niwa on September 19, 2008. The note regarding the pdf as an attachment was changed to […]
Favourite video or channel on YouTube vanished? No forthcoming explanation from YouTube? Here’s a handy site that provides some answers and other useful information. While it’s not fully encompassing and some of the categorising (for eg. on the Election Fraud analytics) is questionable, (Fox News and Daily Wire listed as […]