“A new, if unclear, path” reports the Washington Post. Therein lies the problem. Surely before embarking on a direction, one has a plan? What’s the deal? Or perhaps there’s a “plan” that isn’t being shared with us. In which case it is a conspiracy. Perhaps the “plan” (or conspiracy) depends […]
Editor’s Comment
Faustian bargain [(fow-stee-uhn)] Faust, in the legend, traded his soul to the devil in exchange for knowledge. To “strike a Faustian bargain” is to be willing to sacrifice anything to satisfy a limitless desire for knowledge or power. Source by Martin Harris Watch this four minute Superman clip carefully! This […]
There has always been recreational drug use, and always will be, whether legal or not. And as there’s always going to be those who abuse recreational drugs, the social cost will always outweigh the financial gains. The real question is, who should get the profit? By Martin Harris Drug use […]
El-ohim. El-ite. Isra-El… Who is “El”? By Martin Harris This blog continues from: https://uncensored.co.nz/2018/11/17/the-feathered-serpent/ While most translations regard El as “God”, there is considerable debate as to whether El and YHWH are one and the same. Much confusion arises from the fact that the text of Genesis is composed […]
What’s the Elite fascination with Saturn all about? Why is Saturn connected to Satan? Is it all just some esoteric mumbo-jumbo, or should we be concerned about something? How does all this tie in with current events? What are we being prepared for? by Martin Harris Before reading further, I […]
Although Tolkein’s words were written in a fictional setting, he based his words upon real experience. Row upon row of white crosses. Young men sent to their deaths. One hundred years ago, young men facing each other across the corpse strewn no-mans land between trenches, put down their guns and […]
Trump. Love him or hate him, agree with him or not, it’s my opinion that he’s essentially doing what he said he would right from the start. But was does that really mean? by Martin Harris The famous Border wall is now at last brought into the spotlight, the US […]
An easy to understand explanation and answers to FAQ about HAARP for Newbies and the Technically Challenged. Part One of a two part blog. by Martin Harris When coffee table discussions turn to “conspiracy theories”, there are always a “top three” that that folk want to discuss: Aliens (Roswell; Area […]
Who ever thought a US President would speak against Saudi Arabia like this? See my opinion beneath this article! “They had a very bad original concept. It was carried out poorly and the cover-up was one of the worst in the history of cover-ups,” Trump declared in the Oval Office. […]
Sometimes things are the opposite of what they appear to be! Like the situation in this interview, for instance… by Martin Harris 23/10/18 While researching yesterday, my attention was taken by this remarkable interview with Church of Satan founder Anton LaVey: My initial reaction to this interview by host […]