Newly obtained public records reveal that the recruitment of young children for strikes and demonstrations are a long-planned component of the climate industry’s litigation campaign Newly obtained public records reveal that the recent wave of private “climate” litigation and state attorneys general (AGs) investigations was not only laid out behind […]
Woe unto ye O Christchurch! There is an epidemic afoot: A rampant outbreak of The Measles. A total of 28, yes, 28 souls have the Measles. A couple of days back there were 28 confirmed cases and today there are still 28 cases, despite TVNZ’s claim today that the figure […]
Over 80 percent of American voters support the Green New Deal (GND), or so claim its backers citing a recent survey by a group of academic pollsters. Furthermore, this public endorsement is supposedly bipartisan, with 92 percent of Democrats and 64 percent of Republicans indicating that they either strongly or […]
Awakening the masses to perhaps the most important event of our lifetime – that STILL no one knows about. Fukushima is a disaster the threatens to effect our lives for many generations yet a media blackout by the Japanese Government means we hear nothing. This track was produced by Gh0st […]
Document received via Email today 28/2/19 (Unclassified): Today, Minister Faafoi announced details of the first spectrum allocation for 5G. The 3.5 GHz band will be the first 5G band in New Zealand, with national rights to spectrum expected to be auctioned early in 2020. National spectrum rights in the 3.5 […]
Remember that grim scene from The Matrix, where the “dead battery” humans are liquefied and fed back to the living? In certain US States the “liquid funeral” has been in place for a while, but now it is creeping in to locations around the world. And that includes here in […]
Those poor kids, brainwashed by the UN Agenda 2030 and IPCC lies. Black Conservative Patriot Published on Feb 23, 2019 Subscribed 187K What are your thoughts? Share them below! #BCP#NEWS#BCPNEWS For More Content or to Support this channel: Subscribe to my back up channel:… Email: Twitter: @Black_C_Patriot […]
A curious thing is happening of late across the interwebs, a social phenomenon as prolific as the cinnamon challenge – some people seem to be coming to their senses. Specifically I mean some vegans, and by coming to their senses, I mean they’re leaving veganism. More and more video confessionals […]
Although this presentation is now 3 years old, it is still relevant, in fact probably even more so as the IPCC climate change “facts” become ingrained in the public consciousness. In any event, it is a simple, concise, BS-free explanation from a knowledgeable scientist. Enjoy! Martin Harris 20/2/19 PragerU Published […]
Noooo!! Han Solo has turned to The Dark Side! Han Solo Pimps World Government – #PropagandaWatch corbettreport Published on Feb 13, 2019 Subscribe 320K SHOW NOTES: Fresh off the heels of pimping for Amazon, Harrison Ford is back at it, this time lending his face and voice to climate […]