Year in Review: The Country kicked off 2018 with this controversial opinion piece from Dr Doug Edmeades that proved to be one of the most popular articles of the year. 8 Jan, 2019 7:00am OPINION: The Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has recently said that she would like her administration to […]
British scientist and inventor Mark Steele is facing ongoing court appearances in relation to his activist work on the 5G issue. Mr. Steele rose to national attention in the UK after an article in the UK Daily Mail reported on his concerns ( about new LED street lights in Gateshead […]
“Where will the Children play?” asked Cat Stevens (Yusuf) in his popular song from the 70s. The climate, like the times, is always changing, and as a parent, I ask myself the same question Cat did all those years ago. But discerning the truth about our changing environment and the […]
A global powerful action against meat? EFA NewsMon, 14 Jan 2019 11:53 UTC A global powerful action against meat? EAT is a global, non-profit startup dedicated to transforming our global food system through sound science, impatient disruption and novel partnerships. According to the website, “the EAT-Lancet Commission on Food, Planet, […]
At last some common sense talk on the Climate Change issue! Dr. Jordan B. Peterson talking about climate change and the empirical evidence on the topic. Subscribe for the best Clips of Jordan Peterson Videos! Full Interview: ___ Jordan Peterson´s YouTube-Channel:… Jordan Peterson´s Podacast:…
As we are constantly being reminded here in NZ, it’s a matter of “when” not “If”. I’ve lived through enough seismic upheaval already, but worse could be coming, especially for North Islanders. And there’s always the possibility that the HAARPsters will ensure things happen according their agenda. Forewarned is fore-armed. […]
The SPCA has issued a statement calling for a ban on the use of 1080, saying it causes “intense and prolonged suffering” to animals By Rhonwyn Newson, Newshub The organisation is “deeply concerned” over the use of 1080, it says in a statement, adding it is working to achieve change. […]
Hypocrites! So the UK government can preach about “climate change” and “carbon footprints” while plotting to dump nuclear submarines in the ocean to rot…and in it’s own backyard no less? I wonder how many other nest-soiling secrets are lurking in the National Archives? Martin Rob EdwardsTheNational.scotMon, 30 Dec 2018 12:00 […]
2018 has been a hell of a year, and 2019 promises to be even more “fun.” What can we expect? Christian breaks it down, from the geophysical to the geopolitical, in this Ice Age Farmer special edition. Ice Age Farmer Premiered Dec 30, 2018
Above our heads, something is not right. Earth’s magnetic field is in a state of dramatic weakening – and according to mind-boggling research from earlier this year, this phenomenal disruption is part of a pattern lasting for over 1,000 years. Peter DockrillScience AlertThu, 27 Dec 2018 07:21 UTC Earth’s magnetic […]