“UA MAU KE EA O KA ‘ĀINA I KA PONO ” LIESBET VERSTRAETEN, MEMORY ISLAND AOTEA, JUNE 2012 Greetings and welcome to this radio-free On the Brink Special Report. I apologize for this email being almost 48 hours ‘late’…this was the first weekend since December 2012 when I haven’t had […]

I grew up in Northern England and I can assure readers that this is not prime earthquake country! What’s going on here? https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/972105/UK-earthquake-hull-grimsy-lincolnshire-tremor-earthquake-in-UK-last-night https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2018/06/09/earthquake-felt-across-northern-england-residents-describe-underground/ https://earthquakes.bgs.ac.uk/earthquakes/recent_uk_events.html Could this be fracking related perhaps? Or is the “underground rumble” something other than a regular seismic event. Certainly very noteworthy. 2018/06/09 22:14:29.0 53.650 -0.056 […]

Interesting phenomenon at a mysterious island! Denmark ANOMALY “Can’t Be Explained” secureteam10 Published on May 29, 2018 Bornholm is an interesting place: Mysterious Stone Age Labyrinth Discovered In Denmark – Was It An Ancient Sun Worship Site? ..with a Templar connection: http://blog.templarhistory.com/2010/03/the-templars-and-bornholm/ Here’s more on the mystery rumbles; https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/weird-news/706470/Mystery-booms-worldwide-expert-geologist-Bornholm-Sweeden-ground-shaking-earthquake-video  
