If you want to get to the source of an agenda, “follow the money”. Millions of dollars to chlorinate the Christchurch water supply, and millions more to get rid of it, and in the thick of it all an innocuous sounding organization that’s anything but impartial. And the sickening part […]
“UA MAU KE EA O KA ‘ĀINA I KA PONO ” LIESBET VERSTRAETEN, MEMORY ISLAND AOTEA, JUNE 2012 Greetings and welcome to this radio-free On the Brink Special Report. I apologize for this email being almost 48 hours ‘late’…this was the first weekend since December 2012 when I haven’t had […]
I grew up in Northern England and I can assure readers that this is not prime earthquake country! What’s going on here? https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/972105/UK-earthquake-hull-grimsy-lincolnshire-tremor-earthquake-in-UK-last-night https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2018/06/09/earthquake-felt-across-northern-england-residents-describe-underground/ https://earthquakes.bgs.ac.uk/earthquakes/recent_uk_events.html Could this be fracking related perhaps? Or is the “underground rumble” something other than a regular seismic event. Certainly very noteworthy. 2018/06/09 22:14:29.0 53.650 -0.056 […]
Although this “merger” has been in the works for a while, the controversy continues as the date draws closer. As the second report below shows, Bayer (no saints themselves as the graphic below indicates) are risking a tarnished reputation by associating with the notorious Monsanto. The Justice Department Is Going […]
The world is watching Hawai’i and Guatemala’s eruptions with good reason, but perhaps they should be bracing for something potentially more catastrophic, as Paul Seaburn at Mysterious Universe reports. and while we don’t condone panicmongering, it doesn’t hurt to be informed and prepared: World’s Largest Geyser is Mysteriously Erupting a […]
SumOfUs Uploaded on May 31, 2018 Subscribe 5.7K We joined up with SumOfUs members and beekeepers to protest Bayer’s bee-killing pesticides. As a keen SumOfUs supporter I salute these guys. Saving the planet from greed, one evil corporation at a time! Martin “Nicotine attracts bees Neonicotinoids are mostly used in […]
Lake Quinalt experienced massive microbursts associated with microwave testing by the US Navy! Check the Evidence! Jim Lee Published on Jun 1, 2018 Be sure to check out the accompanying article at Jim’s superb Climateviewer site: https://climateviewer.com/2018/06/01/twisted-tree-mystery-electromagnetic-warfare-olympic-national-forest/
Interesting phenomenon at a mysterious island! Denmark ANOMALY “Can’t Be Explained” secureteam10 Published on May 29, 2018 Bornholm is an interesting place: Mysterious Stone Age Labyrinth Discovered In Denmark – Was It An Ancient Sun Worship Site? ..with a Templar connection: http://blog.templarhistory.com/2010/03/the-templars-and-bornholm/ Here’s more on the mystery rumbles; https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/weird-news/706470/Mystery-booms-worldwide-expert-geologist-Bornholm-Sweeden-ground-shaking-earthquake-video
THE PILLAR OF FIRE “We left the lookout house at ten o’clock in a half cooked condition because of the heat from Pele’s furnaces, and wrapping up in blankets (for the night was cold) returned to the hotel. After we got out in the dark we had another fine spectacle. […]
“Anyone who genuinely cares about New Zealand’s wonderful environment can not help but be horrified at the tale that is told.” “This informative and well researched book by Fiona McQueen drives a hole through the New Zealand Department of Conservation’s mantra that the deadly and indiscriminate 1080 poison is necessary […]