Estimated fifteen thousand turnout! As protest events reach their peak across the nation, the author was as per usual yelling his heart out in the heart of Christchurch. My sore throat has naught to do with Omicron and everything to do with chanting! Camp Freedom is looking better as the […]

Here’s the official Police statement: Please attribute to a Police Spokesperson: Police actively engaged with the protest organisers this morning to deter them from unlawfully crossing the Auckland Harbour Bridge. In order to avoid escalating the situation and thus creating further significant safety risks to the public, Police closely monitored […]

Just returned from an estimated15 thousand (yes 15 thousand) strong march from Cranmer Square. The Freedoms and Rights Coalition are following up on their March 1 ultimatum. More on that soon. But first, this: NZ High Court: Police and Armed Forces Mandate ILLEGAL The Court agreed that the mandate imposed […]

Managed Isolation facilities are being constructed in both Australia and New Zealand at considerable expense. But with the Covid plandemic winding down, one wonders what these camps are really for? A concerning piece of video has us speculating. There is a distinct whiff of 2030 Agenda about these facilities. As […]

Convoy 2022 NZFreedom AllianceNew Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with ScienceOutdoors & Freedom MovementThe Freedom and Rights CoalitionVoices for Freedom. 20.02.2022 “The Police’s public messaging over the past few days could not be more clear. Other than some inconveniences the protest has caused, Police have confirmed protestors are not doing anything […]

Equally applicable to Jacinda Ardern. Composed by Skutch Tully and Jordan Peterson! Song and verse, dedicated to our Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau. Composition: Jordan B Peterson and Skutch Tully Arrangement and mixing: Skutch Tully Lyrics: Jordan B Peterson Images and illustrations: Juliette Fogra Voices: Sonia Tully, Tammy Peterson, Skutch Tully, […]

“A society becomes totalitarian when its structure becomes flagrantly artificial: that is when its ruling class has lost its function but succeeds in clinging to power by force or fraud.” – George Orwell. By Dr Muriel Newman Over the last two years, Jacinda Ardern’s Government has instituted a raft of unprecedented […]

An amazing day among the entrenched campers at Cranmer Square in Christchurch with a breathtaking turnout for the march. First thing I noticed on arrival was the hastily erected “No Camping” signs that some Christchurch City Council power-tripper appears to have had screen-printed and stuck over the top of existing […]

Vile beyond belief. Trudeau is a monster and those who support him and behave likewise should hang their heads in shame. Holding innocent animals as hostages? It is well known that those who torture animals soon turn to torturing their fellow humans. Fox News 8.91M subscribers The ‘Outnumbered’ panel discusses […]
