Please share this as widely as possible and inform all who have been misinformed! On November 1, AFP joined news outlets around the world in covering the release of a major academic paper warning that our oceans were warming dramatically quicker than previously thought. The study was undertaken by some […]
El-ohim. El-ite. Isra-El… Who is “El”? By Martin Harris This blog continues from: While most translations regard El as “God”, there is considerable debate as to whether El and YHWH are one and the same. Much confusion arises from the fact that the text of Genesis is composed […]
SJWs, Feminese, Race and Sex Baiters, shrieking disengaged, intellectualized, moralized, and ill-informed in general; grovelling onto MSM talkfests, are not entertaining, not informing, nor representative of even any minority constituent voice. Attempting to elevate irrelevancies, diversions, and stupidities to the front line of talking points, and manufacturing false narratives, does […]
For decades, Contactees and Channelers have claimed to be emissaries of extraterrestrial intelligences, usually promoting an ostensibly peaceful message. Some claim to be our gods, others to be a representative of a higher power. Often they seem to be trying to save us from ourselves. If these entities really exist, […]
What’s the Elite fascination with Saturn all about? Why is Saturn connected to Satan? Is it all just some esoteric mumbo-jumbo, or should we be concerned about something? How does all this tie in with current events? What are we being prepared for? by Martin Harris Before reading further, I […]
Please help out by signing this petition and give these people HOPE! Thanks and blessings, Martin. SUPPLIED/JESSIE MCVEAGH Tanya Filia receives vitamin C intravenously at a clinic in Whangarei. Cancer patients are forking out hundreds of dollars for vitamin C infusions they say are providing quality of life – […]
“A fundamental violation of Constitution with almost no examination” Big Brother is indeed here! FromRealnewsnetwork October 26, 2018 Silicon Valley giants like Amazon & Palantir team up with ICE to hunt down immigrants, pick out the innocent as potential criminals, and build the cloud for Defense Department and CIA. Is […]
“It may very well not have been Trump…but it was America, There are no political distinctions. Trump now represents America.” by G Squared As The Irish do to England, it needs to also be remembered that when the Southern Nations were screaming ‘Yanqui Go Home’ there was a major problem with […]
A very handy resource shows the surprising proliferation of human artificially triggered or generated earthquakes around the world. While you will not find anything as controversial as HAARP or Scalar Weapons mentioned here, there are a surprising number listed as having been caused by “research”! (Sure hope my research isn’t […]
This item sums it all up: The bomb stunt has bombed! A ridiculous pre-election stunt and few are fooled despite the MSM frenzy. Thursday, October 25, 2018 by: Mike Adams (Natural News) The fake pipe bomb fiasco that has gripped America for the last two days is rapidly unraveling as […]