Just a few months ago, I did an article on a plummeting sperm count report from the Israeli Sperm Bank at University Hospital in Jerusalem. Long story short, all Israeli male teenagers make a sperm deposit at the University Hospital on entering their compulsory two years of military service. The […]
Lawrence Davidson considers the problems of private realities – the fact that ”there are people who do occasionally attain power whose private realities are fantasy driven” & the fact that “most individual realities are … the artificial creations of a manipulated information environment brought to us by way of the […]
The Obama administration is playing a dangerous game of chicken on the Korean peninsula and it could end in war. North Korea responded to provocative joint military operations between the US and South Korea off its coast by shelling nearby Yeonpyeong Island which lies in disputed waters. The North’s artillery […]
The War You Don’t See trailer from John Pilger on Vimeo.
The recent release of the 250,000 Wikileaks documents has provoked unparalleled global interest, both positive, negative, and everywhere in between. One thing that can be said with certainty: Wikileaks is changing things. There are those who accept what the Wikileaks releases say at face value, largely due to the misrepresentation […]
According to new revelations, Assange had allegedly struck a deal with Israel before the recent ‘cable gate’, which may explain why the leaks “were good for Israel,” as the Israeli prime minister put it. A number of commentators, particularly in Turkey and Russia, have been wondering why the hundreds of […]
The income tax is a Zionist extortion racket.