The former Israeli military officer wanted in Colombia on charges of training right-wing militias landed in Israel Frinday night after Russian authorities released him from prison. Israel’s Channel 10 television showed Lieutenant-Colonel (Res) Yair Klein Friday leaving a Moscow jail where he was held on Colombia’s extradition request. Russia’s Interfax […]
Paul J. Balles views two shameful traits shared by the US and Israel and represented in the views of Joseph A. Klein: abhorring criticism and diverting attention from their own faults when criticized by levelling the same criticism at others. “Arrogance diminishes wisdom” – Arabic proverb Last month, Joseph A. […]
Thousands of Greeks took to the streets of the capital on Wednesday for a protest against a fresh wave of austerity measures which was marred by violence as a general strike brought international travel and public services to a standstill. [youtube]ODdWhVjWweg[/youtube] The walkout — Greece’s seventh general strike this year — […]
Center for Research on Globalization Director Michel Chossudovsky says the Hashim Thaci and the KLA have become a mafia, drug trading, civilian political party that is now attempting to become a member of the European Union.
The award-winning investigative journalist and documentary filmmaker John Pilger is one of many high-profile public supporters of Julian Assange and his organization WikiLeaks. Pilger has attended Assange’s court proceedings in London and has offered to contribute funds for his more than $300,000 bail. Pilger’s latest film, The War You Don’t […]
[ oh god, -again- ? ] Italians demonstrate as Silvio Berlusconi wins confidence vote – 14 December 2010 [youtube]UOp0h3xXEV0[/youtube] [youtube]LJ0wgefcAOg[/youtube]
[youtube]c-Z4yy1UBxM[/youtube] [youtube]uy_WEUiSPTk[/youtube] [youtube]whM9l88qUP4[/youtube] [youtube]DFPvxgTtRsI[/youtube]
[youtube]rpJ1fWRpHXU[/youtube] [youtube]P-QLEcEGBuI[/youtube] [youtube]ctFVNtlToiU[/youtube] [youtube]R6hP5bdUSaE[/youtube] [youtube]vSQihZBs0qQ[/youtube]
A reporter is doing an interview and is obviously recording. Do these guys even think before they begin speaking. Video & Article here